Thursday, February 28, 2013

Skippy McSkipperson

Does anyone else remember Weebles? They were Playskool toys – little people or animals that had a rounded bottom - kinda shaped like an Easter Egg? I had a set when I was a kid – Weebles and a school bus.
A few years ago, a friend and I were at a bar one night, and we were talking about old toys, cartoons, etc. from when we were kids.  We started talking about Weebles – and more importantly for this story – the  commercial.  The tag-line was “Weebles wobble, but they don’t fall down!”  She and I were both going through a really hard time – and we decided “We be Weebles!!!”  No matter what happened to us, or how many times someone knocked us down, we’d always get back up.  Plus, it was hysterical.  YOU try saying “We be Weebles” 100 times while YOU’RE drunk, and tell me how funny it is. 

Anyhoo – I’m still a Weeble.  Last night, I skipped my workout.  Week 2, Day 2, skipped.  I got home from work with every intention of going to the gym.  I got to talking to my Mama, and she was catching me up on some family stuff.  We were on the phone for an hour and a half.  Matt and I were supposed to go play darts with some friends last night.  I had *planned* on hitting the gym before darts – but by the time I got off the phone with Mom, we were supposed to leave 15 minutes later.  I’ve done workouts in the evening before, so I told Matt I would just go to the gym when we got back (we were only planning on staying about 2 hours…).

We did only stay 2 hours, but by the time we got home, it was already 8:00.  I had not eaten dinner – and to be honest, the only thing I ate yesterday during the day was fruit.  I was hungry.  I was tired.  And the food and the couch won.  I am disappointed in myself – because I promised myself I would not skip a C25K workout.  One thing I do know is this… this is history repeating itself.  EVERY time I have a good weigh in, I get lackadaisical.  EVERY.  SINGLE.  TIME. 

I know it’s not the end of the world.  I know missing one workout is not going to stop me dead in my tracks.  I was still under my calorie goal yesterday.  I still ate right, and avoided the smorgasbord of food at Darts, and drank all my water.  I just need to get to the gym tonight, before I fall out of my routine.

I’m a Weeble, and I wobbled, but I didn’t fall down.  Back at it tonight.  C25K, Week Two, Day Two…. You’re goin’ down Bi-atch!!!!  Annnndddd it’s lifting day.  It’s a 2-for-1 special. 

1 comment:

  1. I thought I replied to this yesterday but had started to then got busy at work. I love that you're a weeble but you won't fall down. That's a great (and funny!) way to look at it! I'm proud of you for not letting one day when things didn't go as planned derail you :)
