Tuesday, February 19, 2013

C25K - and BEYOND!!!

Okay - so this is getting a bit ridiculous, I'm aware.  Three posts in ONE day?  I know, I know - but i'm excited!!!

I have decided to give C25K another go.  Last round, I made it up to Week 5, Day Three, then quit.  I couldn't get past it, and I know that it was totally a mental thing, due to the fact I ran the entire Color Run. I just gave up on myself. 

Anyway, to stay on my game, and stay focused, I have decided to chronical each day of my C25K training.  Along with that, the app gives you a quote for every day you sign in.  I will be posting the quotes as part of my workout reviews.  I found a few new friends on MFP that are all starting C25K tonight - which is exactly how I met Christy - my little running inspiration! 

I am starting tonight, Week One, Day One.  Its 19 degrees outside, and the wind, she's a blowin'.  I will be doing the first run on the treadmill with some sort of resistance.  I haven't decided whether to do a hill interval run, or just a 1-2% incline....  I'm waiting to hear back from the expert on that one. 

The plan is to follow the program precisely.  No off days, no "I'll do it tomorrow"s.  3 days a week, for 8 weeks.  Now time for the monkey wrench.  I have talked and talked about C25K repeatedly on here, but I have actually downloaded the C210K app.  It is a 14 week program, with running a 10K on Day One of week 15 - which just so happens to coincide with Memorial Day weekend, the kick off to summer.  Thats 15 weeks, 45 workouts, and hopefully 30 pounds.  I also would like to get an extra workout or two in each week, putting me up to 4-5 days a week.  I don't want to be too strict on what I am doing those days.  Maybe Zumba or the Brazil Butt Lift, or the 30DS.  Maybe it will be an extra run, or some weight training stuff.  I also have this calendar I want to follow from The Sisterhood of Shrinking Jeans.  Each month they dedicate to a different area of the body.  I am going to work on Gunshow February - obviously arm exercises.  Those exercises only take about 10 - 15 minutes, and for the sake of my home life, I'd like to keep my workouts at about an hour long. 

And without getting ahead of myself - the ultimate goal here would be to continue after the 15 weeks, on to the half marathon (13.1) and eventually to the full marathon (26.2).  Yes, they have an app for that.  Week One of the 26.2 wants you to run 5 miles.  We're gonna have to build up to that.  :)

I have also decided to take a picture for every 10 pounds I lose.  I didn't like the monthly pictures when I wasn't getting results.  I think weekly would be too much, but I think 10 pound markers would be a good way to watch my progression - along with the measurements and weigh ins I already do. 

So here is today - all 224 pounds of me.   I will probably post another pic at 220.  Checking back in at 214 just sounds silly.  And I will check in after my run, either tonight, or tomorrow! 

EEK!!!  I'm actually excited about this!!!  Not the picture, the workout tonight, and the adventure ahead!  To C25K... AND BEYOND!!!

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