Wednesday, February 20, 2013

I HATE the scale

I hate the scale.  And when I say hate, I don’t even think that is a strong enough word.  We had our weigh in today for the Biggest Loser competition at work.  I wasn’t the best, but I wasn’t the worst.  I only lost a pound.  One side of me is proud.  I did it.  I lost my pound per week.  That’s one less pound on my body, and one less pound I still have left to lose. 

The other side of me is ranting in R rated language that would make Joe Pesci blush  Now, Mama didn’t raise no fool.  I know that my weigh fluctuates tremendously from day to day, hour to hour.  Hell, I’ve gained and lost 7 pounds since MONDAY.  But come the fuck on.  ONE damn pound since last week?!?!?  This is beyond frustrating.  I feel like I did all this work, and for what?  ONE measly pound?  I am seriously hoping that is this still water weight from the detox, and working out, and stress, and that number is magically going to plummet 1-2 more whole numbers.  By like, tomorrow.    

And while I want nothing more than to dive head first into a bag of Lays Salt and Vinegar chips followed by 2 or 3 Mountain Dews… I refuse.  Because I KNOW that the scale is an evil lying bitch that was created by food companies to drive you to binge eat their delicious snacks.  Mother.  Fuckers. – I’m on to you.    

I’m going to go eat my baked chicken and carrots now. 

 … And the FatGirl stomps away. 

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