Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Daily Transformation...

This is something that I have been thinking about for a while now.  I've been inspired, and this is something should have started a long time ago.  In fact, I am probably going to regret starting this late. 

I love time-lapse videos.  The first one I saw was a few years ago.  It was a young woman who took a picture every single day - from the day she found out she was pregnant, until the newborn baby was brought home.  I've seen videos that are pictures of kids from being a day old until they are 12.  These are amazing transformations, and beautiful to watch. 

So I started looking.  I cannot find a video like the one mentioned above for weight loss.  Sure, there are transformation videos out there, but not a time-lapse weight loss.  So, I've decided - I'm going to do it!  I have a secret stash of progress photo's i've been taking along the way for the last few years.  For the last week or two, I've been taking pictures of myself everyday - trying to find a new progress photo I like for my profile picture for MFP. 

Now, I am going to make it a daily thing.  I am going to make sure I take at least ONE self photo every day.  I am going to post ONE daily here, every day - leading all the way to my wedding day - and until I meet my goal weight.  Once I am there, at the ultimate goal, I am going to complile the pictures into a video - and I will post it on my youtube channel.  Here is my forewarning though - I am no photographer, I am using an iPhone and mostly self shots, and I don't know how to make a video - so the end result will probably be nothing like what I want.  LOL 

Ready to start???  Here are a few pictures from the last few days....

Oh - and don't mind the suicide roll hair-do.  I got bangs, and by the time I decided it was a bad idea - it was 2 days too late.  So deal with the bangs for a few more weeks until they grow out, K?  lol

02/23/13 - 227.6 lbs





  1. I'm so glad you're doing this! it'll be great at the end as well as those days you need an extra push to remind yourself how far you've come

    1. I am too! I just hope I can pull it off the way I want to!
