Thursday, February 21, 2013

I said i'd never do it....

I fought it.  I fought it long and hard.  I didn’t want to do it.  I wasn’t going to give in.  And then I bought the DVD, only because I basically stole it.  And then I fought it again.  The DVD has sat in my house for months, collecting dust.  Last night, it won.  Damn you ZUMBA!!!!

Let me back up…

Yesterday was a bad day for me.  It started out as a bad morning, continued into a bad afternoon, followed by a bad weigh-in, a bad attitude, and bad traffic on the way home.  I will admit I was glad when Matt told me the kids were staying at Grandma’s until 6.  At least I’d have some time to wind down before my bad day affected them.  So I sat down to relax.

The next thing I knew, it was 6:45, and Matt was waking me up.  I literally hit the ground running.  Don’t get me wrong, everyone loves a good nap – but now I was behind!  I had a schedule planned for the night!  I had a plan!  Now the plan isn’t going to work!  Needless to say, I was NOT in the best mood when I woke up.  I helped with homework while I got dinner ready.  By the time  we were done eating, it was close to 8.  The kids go to bed in an hour.  There’s no way to get to the gym and back in that amount of time, Matt is watching TV in my workout room, and Nathan is playing the Wii in the other room.  How in the hell was I going to get my workout in?

Just that quick, I moved the DVD player from our family room, to the bedroom.  Hmm… not a whole lot of space.  I had about 6 feet between the TV and the bed, and about 10 ft of usable space from side to side.  The 30 Day Shred is not going to work.  Neither is the Brazilian Butt lift.  Or Turbo Jam.  I eyed the DVDs with contempt.  This is stupid.  Who wants to dance like a fool in their bedroom?  I really don’t want to stare that this Latin diva’s spectacular abs for the next 30 minutes.  But if I want to work out – if I want to keep my promise to myself, this IS my only option. 

Damn it all to hell. 

I started to get some workout gear on.  And here comes Madie. 

“Wanna play spoons?” 

Uh, with two people, and without alchol... hmmmm…. NO.

“Aw sweetheart, I would but I have to work out!”

“Can I work out with you?”

Damnnit.  I should have known that was coming.  Now I have to share my already confined space with someone else.  Eh, she is kinda small.  It’s not like a second elephant trying to salsa in a 6x10 box, right?

“Sure, go get dressed…”

And we we’re off.  Within 2 minutes we were hip shakin’, laughing hysterically, and sweating.  I had to really focus on my posture – back straight, tummy pulled in, shoulders back… - to really feel the burn… but when I did, IT BURNED.  We did the Zumba Live dvd, so it was nice to see people of all ages, shapes and sizes fumbling around just as horrifically as I was.  We were dancing, having a great time, when Mr. No FUN came and knocked on the bedroom door.  He asked what we were doing and said we sounded like 10 teenagers having a slumber party.  We yelled back “ZUUUUUUUUMMMMMMBAAAAAAAAA!!!!!”  He yelled back that it was bedtime.  I rolled my eyes at Madie, and said, “it’s only been 10 minutes!”

Yep, I was wrong.  More than 30 minutes had passed, and we hadn't even noticed!  We were just having FUN!!  But, Miss hipshaker still had to take a shower, and be in bed in 15 minutes.  Oops…  That was my fault. 

As the kids got in their shower and bath, Matt help up his hand for a “fist bump”.  I did it, but asked “What’s this for?”.  He said that he was really proud of me for working out.  He was SURE that when I woke up like a crazy person from my nap that I would excuse myself from working out, saying it was an off day, or I had too many other things to do.  I told him that I come first now.  If it comes down to a choice of working out, or doing the dishes (which just happened to be the situation) I’m choosing me, and as proof, the dishes are still in the sink.  LOL 

I hate to admit it, but it was fun.  I can see why so many people love Zumba.  I really don’t think this will be my every “off” night workout, but it will definitely be used on the nights I really don’t *want* to work out. 

Hey, a girls’ got to have priorities, right?

Then I weighed in this morning when I got to work…  I am down TWO pounds from YESTERDAY!!!  I was super excited!  Tonight is my next run for C25K – Week 1, Day 2 – and I’m pretty excited about that too.  Matt is making dinner, and hopefully will have the dishes done by the time I get home…   

PS – I *finally* understand this…

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