Wednesday, February 20, 2013

C25K - Day 1!!!

Yesterday when I got home from work I was pumped to get to the gym.  Matt was already home, and had been playing a game on the Wii.  We have been playing Mario Galaxy with the kids since Madie got it for Christmas, and honestly, we are both addicted to it.  He wanted me to help him get a new star – he had been working on it and just couldn’t get it.  So I sat down to help.  After a few tries, we beat the world, and he asked me if I wanted to play another board, or go to the gym.  I immediately responded with “Play another board!”.  I know, I know.  As we sat there and played, I fought with myself about not going.  The couch was cozy, the game was fun, and it was bitterly cold outside.  I could skip it.  I could do it tomorrow.  I could…. GAME OVER.  DAMNIT!  We died!!! 

I surprised myself as I jumped up off the couch, and headed to get dressed for the gym.  As I was changing, I yelled to Matt and asked him if he would fill my water bottle up for me while I changed.  I got my workout gear on, bundled up, and grabbed my FitBit.  When I walked to the kitchen, Matt handed me my bag, told me my water was in it, and he would see me later.  And I was off.  In 5 minutes I had gone from talking myself out of going to being out the door and on my way to the gym. 

I had a plan.  I was ready.  I was mentally prepared for this.  I threw all my stuff in a locker, grabbed my water and my iPod, and headed for the treadmills.  I looked for an Arc Trainer – turns out my gym doesn’t have one.  So much for that on my “off” days.  When I got to the treadmills, every other one was taken.  I HATE that.  I HATE being that close to strangers.  I don’t want them looking at my machine and judging how fast I’m going, or what incline I’m on.  It literally drives me nuts.  I had to block it out, and just get it done.  I hopped on, and heard that old friendly C25K lady voice in my earbuds.  “Welcome to C25K!  Begin your warm-up now!”

I set the incline to two.  It was more difficult than normal, but I don’t think it mimics outdoor conditions in any way, shape, or form.  I am a pretty slow runner, so I walked at 3, and ran at 4.5.  I know – not impressive at all, but it’s as fast as I can go right now.  I felt pretty good.  I was shocked when the first running interval was done.  I wasn’t even out of breath!!!  By the third interval, I had a HORRIBLE cramp pop up in my right calf.  And I mean PAINFUL.  I was literally about in tears.  I seriously thought about stopping.  And 6 months ago, I would have.  I would have quit.  And that’s what pushed me.  Only 30 more seconds, and then I get to walk.  I get to take a break.  And I pushed.  And I cried.  And I made it.  I reached for my water, an noticed something.  There was writing all over it.  WTF is this??  I looked closer, and Matt had written notes all over my water bottle when he filled it.  “You got this!”  “I love you!”  “I am Proud of U”  with hearts and smiley faces all over.  It melted my heart.    

Surprisingly, by the next interval, the cramp was gone.  The rest of the workout went pretty easy.  I never really got out of breath, but I really focused on my breathing.  This is something I have never done, but I have learned from reading about it, and talking to other runners, that your breathing is just as important as anything while running, and if you don’t do it right, then it can actually hold you back. 

In 30 Minutes, I completed 7 laps, 1.71 miles, and burned 297 calories (according to my FitBit).  Not bad for a first day.  I felt great afterwards, and I am looking forward to tonight.  I have not decided whether I will work out at the gym or at home, but I am GOING to do something.  I am sure Madie will want to do it with me, so maybe Zumba?  Or the 30DS, and I'll get to workout alone...  LOL
Stay Tuned!!!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome job Rebecca on your first day of C25K. What a sweetheart Matt is! Sounds like you have fantastic support!
