Monday, February 25, 2013

Week 5, Day 1 - Changing things up a bit...

Me?  Make changes?  Change my mind for the 500th time?  No.... NEVER. 

Okay, well yes.  Again.  Sorry. 

This is just a minor change though - I will be weighing in on Wednesdays instead of Mondays.  With updating the blog everyday with my workouts, and trying to weigh in on Mondays and Wednesdays, it's all just a bit much.  I feel like I am putting too much pressure on myself.  On Wednesdays, we do the weigh-ins for the Biggest Loser competition at work.  Weight, measurements, the whole 9.  It just makes more sense (to ME) to do my offical update then.  I have updated the chart below with the correct dates - but NO weigh in today. 

Here is a reminder of my goals:
  • I will weigh in, and report my weight at LEAST once a week, maybe more.
  • I will get to the gym (or workout at home) 4 times each week.
  • I will cut out the unnecessary sugary drinks, and get back to drinking water.
  • I will update the below chart after each week's weigh-in. If I meet the goal listed, the date will be changed to green. If I miss it - it will be red.
Today's weigh-in:
01/28/13: 226.6
02/04/13: 224.6 228.0
02/11/13: 222.6 227.8
02/18/13: 220.6 227.6
02/27/13: 218.6
03/06/13: 216.6
03/13/13: 214.6
03/20/13: 212.6
03/27/13: 210.6
04/03/13: 208.6
04/10/13: 206.6
04/17/13: 204.6
04/24/13: 202.6
05/01/13: 200.6
05/08/13: 198.6
05/15/13: 196.6
05/22/13: 194.6
05/29/13: 192.6
06/05/13: 190.6
06/12/13: 188.6
06/19/13: 186.6
06/26/13: 184.6
07/03/13: 182.6
07/10/13: 180.6
07/17/13: 178.6
07/24/13: 176.6
07/31/13: 174.6
08/07/13: 172.6
08/14/13: 170.6
08/21/13: 168.6
08/28/13: 166.6
08/31/13: My Wedding Day!!! Goal: 165.00

Number of pounds lost:
Number of inches lost:
Percentage of Body Fat lost:
Pounds left to Lose:

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