Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Followers WORLDWIDE!!!


I never imagined.  I really didn't.  When I first started this, I kept quiet about it - and only sent the address to 6 of my very closest girlfriends.  I had it marked as private - so it was not searchable on the web.  Overtime, I added a few more, and a few more.  I eventually opened it up as pulic, and sent the address out on MyFitnessPal. 

Just recently, I started promoting my blog on other blogspheres, and trying to get my name out there.  I just checked the stats for the first time in a while, and I am BLOWN AWAY.  I now have FatGirl Followers in the US, Russia, the UK, Germany, Canada, Australia, the Netherlands, France, the Cayman Islands, and in Palestine!

I just wanted to say a quick thank you to everyone that is following me!  Please feel free to comment, ask questions, or just talk!  I love doing this, and it pushes me even farther towards my goals.  Make sure to sign up.  Once I get a certain number of "followers", I get to start advertising, doing contests and give aways, etc...

Again - Blown away.  Thank you all!

<3 - The FatGirl


  1. It's because you're so awesome!!!

  2. I wouldn't go that far... LOL I just think a lot of people can relate to what I am doing (what you're doing too!). Well - hopefully that's why everyone is here - and not to laugh at the 11 chins I just posted...
