Monday, February 25, 2013

Week One, DONE!!!

So Saturday was day 3 of the first week of C25K.  Same workout, intervals of 60 seconds running, and 90 seconds walking.  I’ve had this thing where I’ve tried to push myself a bit harder each day.  This is why I have been taking pictures of the treadmill at the end of each workout.  Saturday was the last workout of the week, so I really wanted to push myself.  I walked faster.  I ran faster.  I ran a LOT faster on the last interval.  And I accomplished my goal. 

I walked at 3.2, ran at 4.5, and for the last 60 seconds, ran at 5.5.  I kept it at a 1 incline, and saw something I hadn’t seen yet – the 8th lap on the treadmill.  I covered a distance of 1.77 miles in 30 minutes.  The previous workout, I only reached 1.74, so I was pretty proud of myself.

I also realized that I actually prefer running on the treadmill, vs. running outside.  Don’t get me wrong, I prefer the scenery and fresh air outside over Family Feud on the TV and crazy perfume lady next to me.  But I like that the treadmill gives me a visual of my accomplishments.  I know that I am keeping a steady pace.  I know that I ran faster today than I did on my last workout.  I know exactly how far I ran.  And I know that today, I worked myself harder than yesterday.  For that reason, I think I am going to stick with the treadmill throughout this round of C25K.    

Anyway – after my run on Saturday, I was feeling especially motivated.  I was sitting in front of the mirror stretching my legs out, and realized I wasn’t ready to quit yet.  I was surrounded by all these weights – I might as well lift some of them!  So I pulled up the 5x5 app on my phone, and got to work.  For those of you who don’t know, the app I am talking about is StrongLifts 5x5.  The basic, quick rundown is this:  you do 5 sets of 5 reps on 3 major exercises.  That’s it.  I had started it once before, after my Moose of a Dog, Lexi – ate my copy of NROLFW.  Stronglifts was free, had an app, and had some great reviews. 

5x5 is comprised of 2 workouts, A and B.  Workout A is Squats, Bench Press, and a Barbell Row.  Workout B is Squats, Overhead Press, and Deadlift.  On your first workout, you are supposed to lift 45 pounds for the squats and the bench press, and 65 pounds for the row.  I surprised myself by completing 5x5 squats with good form.  However, I failed on the 4th set of the bench press, only completing 3 reps on 4 and 5.  I also failed on the row, completing 4 reps on sets 3 and 4, and only 3 reps on set 5.  Tonight will be workout B.  I’m excited to see what I can do! 

After feeling pretty antsy yesterday morning, I realized throughout the day that I was pretty sore – so I decided to take advantage of my rest day.  But I am anxious to get back to it.  I actually packed my workout bag this morning and threw it in the car, so that I would be prepared if Matt throws me a curveball tonight. 

Here are some updated progress pictures I took on Saturday.  They are disgusting.  I am a hot sweaty mess, and normally I wouldn’t post crap like this.  BUT – I look a hell of a lot better than I did 60 pounds ago, and this will be something great to look back on 60 pounds from now.  Right?  Right. 


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