Tuesday, March 5, 2013

C25K W2D3....

Sorry I have not updated in a few days.... It has been crazy around here!!! When I left you last time, I was Skippy McSkipperson, and blew off my workout on Wednesday night. I stayed true to my word, and went to the gym Thursday night. I completed the W2D2 workout, but still with MAJOR cramping. I made sure that I drank a ton of water that day - so I don't know what the tell is going on with my legs.  I promised myself that night that I would start taking a potassium supplement. That never happened.

Friday I had a food tasting at the reception hall Matt and I chose for our wedding. I had a bite of everything - and have NO idea how many calories I ate - but I know I had to have been under for the day. I had to stop at the store on the way home to pick up my birthday boy's bicycle. By the time I got to the house it was 8:00. I spent the next 2 1/2 hours making clues, and baking pirate paper, not to mention drawing one bad-ass treasure map. (I don't know why this is sideways... it won't let me turn it.)
Saturday I spent cleaning. And I literally meant I spent the whole day cleaning! It is hard to keep things clean with two kids and two shedding, muddy paw'd dogs running around. I had to clean the same rooms over, and over, and over again. I finally called in Grandma. She came and picked the kids up. I locked the dogs in the crate, and about 20 minutes later, the house was clean. About 5 minutes after I finished, I had to get ready. We went to a hockey game Saturday night for our friend's birthday. It was not all the beer and food I had expected, so I finished Saturday with about 6 hours of cleaning, several laps around US Bank arena, and about -400 calories. NOT GOOD.

Sunday I spent decorating, and baking the craziest cake I have ever attempted - a pirate ship - decked out with pretzel railings and candle cannons.... Because I had been so far in the hole the day before, I allowed myself to lick the spoon, sample the cake and taste the icing. I also enjoyed the pizza when it came, and even had a caffeine free Pepsi. And you know what? I still came in negative for Sunday - by a LOT. Nathan loved his treasure hunt for his bicycle, and everyone loved his cake. I wouldn't know. I didn't actually have a piece of it.

By the time yesterday rolled around, I was sleep deprived, exhausted, hungry, and had a migraine from hell. I fought it all day long, but by the time I got home from work, I just couldn't take it anymore. Luckily, my Knight in Shining Armor was there. At first, he tried to make me go to the gym. He said that if I didn't do it then, that I wouldn't do it later. That it would make me feel better. He has never had a migraine. I told him that I really needed to lay down. It was hurting so bad I was starting to get sick. He told me to go get in my jammies, and come lay on the couch. He had me lay my head in his lap, and he rubbed my head until I fell asleep.

When I woke up, it was 7:30, and Matt was not in the house. My head still hurt. I immediately went and put on my gym clothes. I walked out in the garage to see if my car was still there, or if Matt had taken it. He was sitting in the garage working on something. He about fell over when he saw me dressed and ready for the gym. He could tell my head was still banging, and he asked me why I was going. I figured a nap didn't help, maybe exercise would.

When I got to the gym - I really wasn't feeling it. I was tired, and groggy, and the lights were soooo bright. I decided to really stretch out. I took my time, and probably spent 10 or 15 minutes stretching. I think I was really talking myself into going home. The lights were killing me. I was out of there. I couldn't handle this. On my way back to the locker room, I passed the cardio room. I had never used it before, and that was about to change. It was dark. They play movies in there, so all the lights are off so everyone can see the screen. I turned my headphones on, and kept my head down. I can't even tell you what movie was playing. But I did it. I made it the full 30 minutes, with hardly any cramping. I tried to run a bit faster than I have been, but left the incline off this time. I ran at 4.9 for the first five running intervals, and finished the last one at 5.5. I was pretty proud.

I took my time stretching out afterwards too. I stayed in the dark cardio theatre until I mustered up the nerve to walk out into the light. My head still hurt. I felt better than I did when I got there, and the lights were tolerable now - but the migraine had not given up. I hoped that maybe after eating something, it would let up a little more. No such luck. I went to bed with a migraine last night, and woke up with one this morning. Needless to say, I am looking forward to laying down for a bit when I get home from work. It is my scheduled off day, so if I wake up and it still hurts, I'm giving it a break tonight.

Tomorrow, it's on to C25K W3D1. I hope I'm ready for this, and that my head feels better, and my legs don't cramp up on me. Fingers crossed kids....
Here are the progress pics from last night.  I am starting to see it from the front.  Sometimes from the front I think I actually look slim.  Then I turn sideways, and FatGirl reveals herself.  Every.  Damn.  Time. 

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