Thursday, March 7, 2013

Weigh in Day!!!

It's a day late, but it's been another good week!!!  We got 7 inches of snow Tuesday night, and work and school were closed yesterday, so I didn't get to my scale until this morning.  To be honest, I was a little nervous about the weigh in this week.  I haven't been eating right.  It's not that I have been cheating, I just don't think I've eaten enough...  I am having a tough time getting to that 2000 calorie mark.  This past week I have been focused on just meeting somewhere between BMR and TDEE - and even that has been a struggle.  I also got off my workout schedule there for a few days, and didn't work out yesterday.   

I was happily surprised when I saw the number on the scale.  I fully expected to maybe lose a half of a pound, maybe even be the same as last week.  But noooooooo....  2.2 pounds, 4.25 inches, and 1.5% BF - GONE!    YAY!  I didn't have any huge losses in any one particular area.  1/2 inch here, 1/2 inch there, and I'm happy with that!  Everything is getting smaller, little by little, and that's what I want to happen.  Progress.  Slow and steady wins the race, right?

I would have to lose 6.6 pounds this week to get caught up to where I wanted to be by now.  That sucks - because I know i'm about 3 weeks behind where I want to be, but I'll take it.  Losing a little more than 2 pounds each week will catch me up  - eventually.  So for now, the number is still purple.  But I'll take it!  :)

Here is a reminder of my goals:
  • I will weigh in, and report my weight at LEAST once a week, maybe more.
  • I will get to the gym (or workout at home) 4 times each week.
  • I will cut out the unnecessary sugary drinks, and get back to drinking water.
  • I will update the below chart after each week's weigh-in. If I meet the goal listed, the date will be changed to blue. If I miss it - it will be red. If I meet my 2 lb per week goal, but miss the "goal weight", it will stay purple (blue and red makes what???). Hopefully, by the end of this, there will be more blues and purples than reds. :)
Today's weigh-in: 222.6
01/28/13: 228.0
02/04/13: 226.0 228.0
02/11/13: 224.0 227.8
02/18/13: 222.0 227.6
02/27/13: 220.0 224.8 HA!!!! PURPLE!!! IT'S NOT RED!!!!!
03/06/13: 218.0 222.6
03/13/13: 216.0
03/20/13: 214.0
03/27/13: 212.0
04/03/13: 210.0
04/10/13: 208.0
04/17/13: 206.0
04/24/13: 204.0
05/01/13: 202.0
05/08/13: 200.0
05/15/13: 198.0
05/22/13: 196.0
05/29/13: 194.0
06/05/13: 192.0
06/12/13: 190.0
06/19/13: 188.0
06/26/13: 186.0
07/03/13: 184.0
07/10/13: 182.0
07/17/13: 180.0
07/24/13: 178.0
07/31/13: 176.0
08/07/13: 174.0
08/14/13: 172.0
08/21/13: 170.0
08/28/13: 168.0
08/31/13: My Wedding Day!!! Goal: 165.00

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