Monday, March 18, 2013

Week 3, Day 3 - Complete!!!

Better late than never, right??
I know I have not posted anything in a few days. I normally write my posts up while I am at work on hold on a call - but I have actually been really busy at work lately, and haven't had that much down time. Besides that, I haven't been to the gym since last Wednesday - and honestly, I think I have been avoiding it. Last Wednesday, I completed Week 3, Day 3 of C25K. I was really proud of myself that day. I knew we were supposed to go out that night, so I planned ahead, and took my gym stuff with me to work. I went straight to the gym after work to get it out of the way so I could enjoy the rest of my evening. I made it through the workout with only a little bit of cramping in my right leg (it's always the same spot - on the side of my calf). It also seemed to be easier. I wasn't so focused on passing out - I just wanted to be done with it!

After my workout, as I was sitting down stretching out, I decided to check out the upcoming week of C25K. I shouldn't have done that. I think I've been freaked out about it again. Week 4 is the standard 5 min warm up and cool down, but the interval breakdown is scary to me. Jog 3 minutes, walk 90 seconds. Jog 5 minutes, walk 2.5 minutes. Jog 3 minutes, walk 90 seconds, Jog 5 minutes. I know. I've done this before. I've finished week 4 before. I've run these intervals before. But I'm still worried about it. I didn't have the leg/muscle/cramping issues last time. It freaks me out. I am going to attempt this today. I just have to get it done and get it over with.

I was a crazy person for the second half of last week. I think my body is freaking out with all the changes i've been making - the change in diet, the working out, the water, the stress from planning the wedding, etc. I've been moody, exhausted, and stressed out. I took my rest day on Thursday, then Friday I was such an emotional mess - I chose going to a friends house over working out. Saturday, I did a lot of work around the house, but there was no official workout. Sunday, I spent most of the day nursing an Irish Hangover, along with major cramps from TOM. I ate horribly this weekend - meaning I didn't eat much at all.

And then there's today.  Today, I am still an emotional stress ball. I am either still holding water weight (which is an actual possibility since I am still "on") or I have seriously gained three pounds since my 3/7 weigh in. As of this Wednesday, I had hoped to be around 214. Today, I was 10 pounds over that. It makes me very discouraged - but I am trying to stay positive about it. I tell myself it IS just water weight, and it WILL come off. I tell myself that if I give up now, it never will. I just have to keep pushing. I hope that I see some decrease by Wednesday's weigh in. I really don't want to be in the RED two weeks in a row.

Hopefully, I have good news to report tomorrow. Until then, here's my NSV from the weekend... The first picture I've taken where I thought my face looks thin. See... Told you I was trying to be positive.  Oh, and Happy St. Patty's day!!!


1 comment:

  1. It IS water haven't had much to et all weekend AND you drank a ton-both of which will make the scale freak out. You look great in your picture-it makes me laugh everytime I look at it, I can tell you're having fun. Just remember that.

    Last week was just that-last week. This is a new week, You CAN and WILL get through C25K week 4. The running will be over before you know it. I did the same thing and stressed myself out by looking at it so I stopped looking at the upcoming week/day.
