Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Weigh In Day!!!

The dreaded RED.  You have found me once again (This totally has a double meaning...). 

Yep - it's TOM - or it will be in a matter of hours.  And I showed a gain on the scale - which is frustrating, regardless.  Which is why I am SO glad that the scale is not the only measurment we use.  We also track measurements and percentage of body fat. 

This week, I weighed in at 224.8 - which is a 2.2 pound GAIN.  I keep telling myself that this is water weight and hormones - that I didn't actually eat more that 7000 calories extra last week.  Because I didn't.  I actually checked.  And I was at a HUGE deficit after sleeping ALL WEEKEND.

That explains the inches... I lost 2 inches over all - another 1/2 inch off my waist, neck, hips, and 1/4 of an inch of each of my calves.  I was hoping for more, but that probably has to do with the water weight too - being bloated and all.  Ugh.  I really *hate* being a girl sometimes. 

My BF% also went down, showing 42.5% instead of 43%.  My LEAN body mass went up 2.3 pounds, and I actually show a 0.1 LOSS on my FAT body mass.  So I'll take it.  :)

So - I am kinda in the middle this week.  I'm not happy, but I'm not upset either. 

One last thing... I wasn't going to post these, because I feel fat and ugly today... but I said I would do it - so here's the progress pictures... And holy wheredidthathourglasscomefrom?!?! 

Did I mention I hate the lighting in our bathrooms at work?!?!  WTFever. 

Here's to next week. 

Here is a reminder of my goals:
  • I will weigh in, and report my weight at LEAST once a week, maybe more.
  • I will get to the gym (or workout at home) 4 times each week.
  • I will cut out the unnecessary sugary drinks, and get back to drinking water.
  • I will update the below chart after each week's weigh-in. If I meet the goal listed, the date will be changed to blue. If I miss it - it will be red. If I meet my 2 lb per week goal, but miss the "goal weight", it will stay purple (blue and red makes what???). Hopefully, by the end of this, there will be more blues and purples than reds. :)
Today's weigh-in: 224.8
01/28/13: 228.0
02/04/13: 226.0 228.0
02/11/13: 224.0 227.8
02/18/13: 222.0 227.6
02/27/13: 220.0 224.8 HA!!!! PURPLE!!! IT'S NOT RED!!!!!
03/06/13: 218.0 222.6
03/13/13: 216.0 224.8  MOTHERFUCKER. 
03/20/13: 214.0
03/27/13: 212.0
04/03/13: 210.0
04/10/13: 208.0
04/17/13: 206.0
04/24/13: 204.0
05/01/13: 202.0
05/08/13: 200.0
05/15/13: 198.0
05/22/13: 196.0
05/29/13: 194.0
06/05/13: 192.0
06/12/13: 190.0
06/19/13: 188.0
06/26/13: 186.0
07/03/13: 184.0
07/10/13: 182.0
07/17/13: 180.0
07/24/13: 178.0
07/31/13: 176.0
08/07/13: 174.0
08/14/13: 172.0
08/21/13: 170.0
08/28/13: 168.0
08/31/13: My Wedding Day!!! Goal: 165.00

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you did the pictures even if you didn't want to-you should be so proud of the inches and body fat % lost! I know it's easy to get upset about the number so I'm glad you're not happy or upset, kinda in the middle. You'll get there :) You know why the scale shows what it does even though it's not true. Keep it up Rebecca, you've got this!
