Monday, March 11, 2013

Ready to throw in the towel....

This day, and my mood has gone from bad to worse, and now I’m much farther down the rabbit hole.  I know that people think I’m crazy – and that’s fine, because in all honesty, I probably am. 

Maybe I write too many times a day.  Maybe I don’t write enough.  Maybe I should wait until the end of the day, until all of my emotions have passed before I publish a post.  Thursday I was proud.  Friday I was fine.  Saturday and Sunday I was sick – but fine.  And then today – BOOM.  The whole fucking thing has imploded.  And maybe I’ll be fine tomorrow.  I thought about not even posting this.  But then I thought – that’s what this whole thing is about, right?  The good AND the bad.  The ups AND the downs.  This is supposed to be the real struggle of trying to lose weight, right?  Well today, this FatGirl is struggling. 

I want to throw this motherfucking scale away.  I want to cut my measuring tape into half inch increments.  I want to throw my apple through the fucking window and break something.  I want to chuck that jug of protein powder over the fence and across 75.  I am sad.  I am angry.  I am depressed.  And I’m tired. 

I am tired of trying and not seeing results.  Oh, I’m aware that I’ve lost a pound here, and an inch there.  But when you look at the bigger picture – I’m in the same fucking place I was in last year.  Same 220s.  Same  40 some-odd inches.  Same fucking pair of pants I’ve owned for years.  I’ve upped calories, I’ve dropped calories.  I’ve done low fat, no fat, low cal, low carb.  I’ve walked, run, swam, ellipitcal’d, personal trained, 30 day shredded, and weight lifted.  I’ve done every day, I’ve done every other day.  I’ve tried everyone else’s program, I’ve tried my own program. 

And here I sit.  The  SAME fucking FatGirl from a year ago.  I want to quit.  I REALLY, *REALLY* want to quit.  And don’t everyone jump my shit all at once here, because I’m not.  But if I am being honest with myself… I don’t want to do this anymore.  I don’t want to yo-yo anymore.  I don’t want to wear spanks every day of my life.  I don’t want to feel like crying every time I look in the mirror.  I don’t want to dress in black any more.  I’m tired of waiting for someone to notice.  I am tired of wondering what it sounds like when I run on a treadmill at the gym.  I am tired of wondering if people are staring at my stomach when I have to do squats. 

Am I not doing enough?  Am I not committed enough?  Should I be doing two-a-days 7 days a week?  Once a day every day?  Every other day?  I am not going to say names, but after my first post this morning, I received a PM on MFP from a “friend” of mine.  She told me that I am too fat to run.  Who fucking says that?  How horrible is that?  To be too fat to run?!?!  Maybe that is why I have failed so many times!  Maybe it’s because at this weight, my body is incapable of it?  Should I do fat people exercises?  What does that even mean?

I am literally sitting at my desk sobbing – hoping that no one that sits around me notices.  I want to quit so bad – but I won’t.  Because that’s why I am here today.  Because I quit this time last year.  And if I quit now, I will be saying the same thing next year.    I wish I would have stuck with it.  But I am so confused now.  Should I be doing something else?  Should I just walk, or do the elliptical or something?  Am I really hurting myself by wanting to run? 

Or – am I wasting my time?  Will this ever happen for me?  Will there ever come a day that I am proud of myself, and my body, and what I have accomplished?  Because today, that hope is diminishing fast. 

I just want to go to bed. 

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