Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Weigh in Day!!!

I have to admit, I am pretty stoked right now.  There's bad, and there's good, but for once, I am actually seeing the positive side of the bad.  So first things first, let's get to the weigh in.  The scale shows I had a loss of 1.2 pounds this week, which is still a pound more than I weighed two weeks ago.  There's the first piece of good news/bad news.  I will defend myself here by saying that I am STILL being visited by TOM, and likely still carrying water weight.  Not to mention that steak and baked potato I had last night that were seasoned with garlic salt.  I knew better - but hey, it was worth it. 

For once - I am not so much concerned with the number on the scale - and here's why.  Though I may weigh one pound more than I did two weeks ago, my measurements tell a completely different story.  In two weeks - I've lost 6.25 inches, lost 1.5% body fat, GAINED 3.9 pounds of muscle, and lost 2.9 pounds of pure fat and took the first "skinny" picture I've ever taken in my life.  Well - at least my face looks skinny.  You can't really see the rest of me, as I had just done a sneak attack on a drunken leprechaun (see previous post, lol).  So take THAT, you stupid liar-face scale.

Then I come here to update the chart you see below, and see that in 7 weeks, I've lost 4.4 pounds, instead of the 14 I was shooting for.  Hmph.  Buuuutttttt......  I have lost 18.5 inches.  I have lost 4.5% body fat.  I have gained 7.8 pounds of muscle, and lost 11.8 pounds of pure fat. 

So FUCK that 4.4 pound loss on the scale. 

UPDATE:  I weighed in again (for the Biggest Loser contest at work.)  I was up to 224.0  I told the girls I had already had 33 ounces of water, and a cup of coffe. As a joke - they told me to go to the bathroom and come back and weigh again.  BOOM.  222.6 pounds!  Back where I was two weeks ago.  Make that a 5.4 pound loss on the scale! 

Here is a reminder of my goals:
  • I will weigh in, and report my weight at LEAST once a week, maybe more.
  • I will get to the gym (or workout at home) 4 times each week.
  • I will cut out the unnecessary sugary drinks, and get back to drinking water.
  • I will update the below chart after each week's weigh-in. If I meet the goal listed, the date will be changed to blue. If I miss it - it will be red. If I meet my 2 lb per week goal, but miss the "goal weight", it will stay purple (blue and red makes what???). Hopefully, by the end of this, there will be more blues and purples than reds. :)
Today's weigh-in: 222.6
01/28/13: 228.0
02/04/13: 226.0 228.0
02/11/13: 224.0 227.8
02/18/13: 222.0 227.6
02/27/13: 220.0 224.8 HA!!!! PURPLE!!! IT'S NOT RED!!!!!
03/06/13: 218.0 222.6
03/13/13: 216.0 224.8 MOTHERFUCKER.
03/20/13: 214.0 222.6 - I'll take it!
03/27/13: 212.0
04/03/13: 210.0
04/10/13: 208.0
04/17/13: 206.0
04/24/13: 204.0
05/01/13: 202.0
05/08/13: 200.0
05/15/13: 198.0
05/22/13: 196.0
05/29/13: 194.0
06/05/13: 192.0
06/12/13: 190.0
06/19/13: 188.0
06/26/13: 186.0
07/03/13: 184.0
07/10/13: 182.0
07/17/13: 180.0
07/24/13: 178.0
07/31/13: 176.0
08/07/13: 174.0
08/14/13: 172.0
08/21/13: 170.0
08/28/13: 168.0
08/31/13: My Wedding Day!!! Goal: 165.00

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