Thursday, August 4, 2011


Matt told me he's made some good choices too. He had a salad and chicken wrap for lunch, and didn't buy a single Mt. Dew! God love him, he really is trying. It makes my heart all warm and fuzzy. :)

I also decided that in addition to this blog, I am keeping a binder of all my stuff. A little side note about me here, if you don't already know; I tend to follow through on things way more if I am organized. :) So, I spent a lot of time yesterday on my lunch and on my breaks doing research. I figured out that based on all of my stats, height, weight, etc., that in order to lose 3 lbs a week, I need to work out 3-5 days a week, and consume NO MORE than 42g of Fat, 1200 Calories, 174g of Carbs, and between 184g and 230g of Protein. So then that let me to creating a food diary, so I know exactly what I am putting in my body every day. That led to printing out a bunch of nutritional information on everything from fruit, to dairy to fish. Thank you FDA website, you were very helpful in my quest. Then I have some other stuff, like my weight tracker, recipes, explanations of the Fruit Flush Diet, and how all of these things are going to make me a smoking hot mama!. 
And, on the inside of the cover - I have two things.  One is a pros/cons list of being healthy vs. being fat.  I was pretty impressed with my responses on that.  Then I also have a picure of me at my skinniest - so I have something to remind me everyday of what I want to be, and what I want to achieve. 
I don't think I have EVER been this excited about a diet.  ##FUCKINFOCUSED!!!!

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