Tuesday, August 23, 2011

I hate her.

Nah, I'm just kidding! She is tough, but she is gonna get the job done on my fat ass! I don't think I have done push ups or jumping jacks since high school. Hell, maybe grade school. I am going to stay on the Low Impact Level 1, until I can get through it without dying. Then we (Jillian and I) will progress to High Impact Level 1. Once that is mastered, we will move to Level 2, low to high, then 3 and so on. 30 days my fat ass! This is going to be like a 90 insanity workout for me - and I am stoked. The way I look at it is, if I take my time, and master each level, I will really be in GOOD shape by the time I am doing the High Impact level 3. By that time, my body is probably going to be mother-fuckering me, and will decide that this is a good place to plataue. So I will need to change workouts ANYWAYS - and I will be in good shape from Jillian kicking my ass, and I will be ready for either Insanity or P90x. Come hell, or high water, I WILL be in a damn bikini next summer.

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