Friday, August 5, 2011


You guessed it. I forgot to post the damn pictures! LOL I swear I took them - We were jut so busy last night... I forgot. I got home from work, went and picked up the kids, came home, made dinner (a healthy one), got ready for Madie's soccer practice, took Madie to soccer practice, went to meijer to pick up cupcakes, took cupcakes to Matt's Moms so the kids could sing happy birthday, came home, gave Nathan a bath, got the kids to bed, and then, I got to sit down. I forgot the damn pictures. LOL

I will admit, the only exercise I got last night was running around the soccer field with Madie for about 10 minutes before practice started. But I ate great yesterday - I stayed right within my limits for my food diary. I even skipped Mama C's birthday cupcake. However, I didn't even come close to the amount of protein I am supposed to be getting. I understand now why you are supposed to take a protein supplement. I am going to have to get on that ASAP!!!

After reading through some of my past posts, I have decided to cut out writing down exactly what I eat everyday - that has got to be boring for you guys to read. Sorry about that.

I did want to tell you guys one thing today though. I think I am already detoxing! I have not had a craving for chips, or sweets, or a hamburger or anything! The food I picked at the grocery store this week has been really good! I thought turning down that cupcake last night was going to be really hard. It wasn't.

"The Force is strong in this one". =) I'm so a Jedi.

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