Tuesday, August 9, 2011


There is nothing really spectacular to report about yesterday.  I ate good all day, but did not work out.  I got home from work, made dinner, cleaned the kitchen and did some laundry.  Madie had soccer at 6, so Matt took her to practice while I spent an hour and a half playing with Nate.  She got home from practice, the kids took baths, and went to bed.  It was raining like hell, so no outside activity.  No inside workout - I didn't want the kids thinking there was an earth-quake because my fat ass was jumping up and down in the living room shaking the whole house. 

Tonight is going to be another crazy night.  Tonight is the first night of Soccer.  I am coaching Nates soccer team this fall.  So tonight I will get 45 minutes of running around the soccer field with (6) 4 year olds.  It should be interesting.  LOL So I have an hour from the time I get home to get changed, cook a healthy dinner, eat, and get to the soccer field.  It's definitely going to be a mad  dash. 

Other than that - I found a quote today that I loved - and thought it would be perfect to post here.  :)

Brick walls are there for a reason. They give us a chance to show how badly we want something

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