Friday, August 26, 2011

I feel it starting to slip....

It has been a rough week for me. Maybe they are excuses, and maybe they are valid reasons, but I am not doing what I should be doing. So here's a quick run-down. Monday was great, Tuesday was crazy and busy with work, and Soccer pictures, and Madie being sick. I didn't work out at all. Wednesday, I took the day off and went and saw my Mom, because she had a heart attack. Shellie was supposed to tell all of us, but she is mad at me for God knows what, and decided that Mom being in the hospital is not a good enough reason to let me know what is going on. I did work out that night, and then swam for about an hour and a half. That night, on the way to bed, I tripped over my damnned hand weights and broke TWO of my toes. I did NOT workout yesterday, as I could barely walk. And unless I am working out at 11 tonight, I am not going to get it done today. Brian and Laura had Jameson this week, and we are going to their house for a cookout tonight to welcome Jameson home. I need to get down to business, and really focus. My first weigh in is next Thursday. I want to make sure I am still losing, and not putting the lbs back on before I get on that scale, and get out the measuring tape next week. EEK!

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