Thursday, February 28, 2013

Skippy McSkipperson

Does anyone else remember Weebles? They were Playskool toys – little people or animals that had a rounded bottom - kinda shaped like an Easter Egg? I had a set when I was a kid – Weebles and a school bus.
A few years ago, a friend and I were at a bar one night, and we were talking about old toys, cartoons, etc. from when we were kids.  We started talking about Weebles – and more importantly for this story – the  commercial.  The tag-line was “Weebles wobble, but they don’t fall down!”  She and I were both going through a really hard time – and we decided “We be Weebles!!!”  No matter what happened to us, or how many times someone knocked us down, we’d always get back up.  Plus, it was hysterical.  YOU try saying “We be Weebles” 100 times while YOU’RE drunk, and tell me how funny it is. 

Anyhoo – I’m still a Weeble.  Last night, I skipped my workout.  Week 2, Day 2, skipped.  I got home from work with every intention of going to the gym.  I got to talking to my Mama, and she was catching me up on some family stuff.  We were on the phone for an hour and a half.  Matt and I were supposed to go play darts with some friends last night.  I had *planned* on hitting the gym before darts – but by the time I got off the phone with Mom, we were supposed to leave 15 minutes later.  I’ve done workouts in the evening before, so I told Matt I would just go to the gym when we got back (we were only planning on staying about 2 hours…).

We did only stay 2 hours, but by the time we got home, it was already 8:00.  I had not eaten dinner – and to be honest, the only thing I ate yesterday during the day was fruit.  I was hungry.  I was tired.  And the food and the couch won.  I am disappointed in myself – because I promised myself I would not skip a C25K workout.  One thing I do know is this… this is history repeating itself.  EVERY time I have a good weigh in, I get lackadaisical.  EVERY.  SINGLE.  TIME. 

I know it’s not the end of the world.  I know missing one workout is not going to stop me dead in my tracks.  I was still under my calorie goal yesterday.  I still ate right, and avoided the smorgasbord of food at Darts, and drank all my water.  I just need to get to the gym tonight, before I fall out of my routine.

I’m a Weeble, and I wobbled, but I didn’t fall down.  Back at it tonight.  C25K, Week Two, Day Two…. You’re goin’ down Bi-atch!!!!  Annnndddd it’s lifting day.  It’s a 2-for-1 special. 

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Daily Transformation... Ummmm...

Okay.  So here's the thing....  this is going to be a lot harder than I thought.  1 - since I don't have a $5000 camera, and 2, since I only have an iPad at home, and 3 - I started so late - it's *really* hard to make a movie out of still shots. And if I do - it would probably be 30 seconds long. 


I am still working on logistics - and hopefully I can somehow figure out a way to do it.  In the meantime, I will still post pics frequently, but maybe only 1 a day, or 1 a week (like weigh in days).  I don't know yet. 

Oh, and I have realized the lighting in the bathrooms at work SUCK for taking a self shot in the mirror.  Yet another reason there may not be daily pictures posted.  Today's SUCK - so I will have to take the full body one's tonight. 

Here is a not-so-hideous one at my desk.  That's all you get right now.


I am so excited.  After 4 weeks now, I am FINALLY seeing some results!!!  Today was weigh-in day for the Biggest Loser thing at work.  I had weighed in earlier in the week, just because I couldn’t stand to wait.  I got really excited on Monday because of the loss I saw, but I didn’t want to record it until it was “official”.

Well, NOW it’s OFFICIAL!  I have lost 2.8 pounds since last week!  And it’s held off since Monday.  On Monday when I weighed in, it was the exact same as it was today, so I know this is a true loss!  In addition to weighing in, we also take measurements.  At one point the girl measuring us said “That can’t be right?!?!”.  She measured my abdomen (belly button) 3 times, and all three times, we got the same measurement.  I lost 3.25 inches JUST on my stomach!  I had a total loss of 7 inches today!!!

The good news doesn’t stop there… my percentage of body fat is down from 52.4% in January, to 44.5% today!  Since last week, my Lean Body Mass is up from 123 to 124.8, and my Fat Body Mass is down from 104.6 to 100!  That means I lost 4.6 pounds of fat, gained 1.8 pounds of muscle.  So the 2.8 pound difference I see on the scale this week is 2.8 pounds of pure fat – GONE!  Not lost – GONE.  I have NO intention of ever finding it again!
I still have not caught up to my goal weight from those first few weeks of nothingness (according to the scale).  Hopefully, I will catch up to it one day, but I'm really not going to stress out about the number itself.  The other ways I am tracking my losses are just as beneficial, and sometimes even more true to what I have accomplished so far.  I think with time, that number will fall, but as long as my body is changing, I can't complain! 

Here is a reminder of my goals:
  • I will weigh in, and report my weight at LEAST once a week, maybe more.
  • I will get to the gym (or workout at home) 4 times each week.
  • I will cut out the unnecessary sugary drinks, and get back to drinking water.
  • I will update the below chart after each week's weigh-in. If I meet the goal listed, the date will be changed to blue. If I miss it - it will be red. If I meet my 2 lb per week goal, but miss the "goal weight", it will stay purple (blue and red makes what???).  Hopefully, by the end of this, there will be more blues and purples than reds.  :)
Today's weigh-in:
01/28/13: 228.0
02/04/13: 226.0 228.0
02/11/13: 224.0 227.8
02/18/13: 222.0 227.6
02/27/13: 220.0 224.8  HA!!!!  PURPLE!!!  IT'S NOT RED!!!!!
03/06/13: 218.0
03/13/13: 216.0
03/20/13: 214.0
03/27/13: 212.0
04/03/13: 210.0
04/10/13: 208.0
04/17/13: 206.0
04/24/13: 204.0
05/01/13: 202.0
05/08/13: 200.0
05/15/13: 198.0
05/22/13: 196.0
05/29/13: 194.0
06/05/13: 192.0
06/12/13: 190.0
06/19/13: 188.0
06/26/13: 186.0
07/03/13: 184.0
07/10/13: 182.0
07/17/13: 180.0
07/24/13: 178.0
07/31/13: 176.0
08/07/13: 174.0
08/14/13: 172.0
08/21/13: 170.0
08/28/13: 168.0
08/31/13: My Wedding Day!!! Goal: 165.00

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Followers WORLDWIDE!!!


I never imagined.  I really didn't.  When I first started this, I kept quiet about it - and only sent the address to 6 of my very closest girlfriends.  I had it marked as private - so it was not searchable on the web.  Overtime, I added a few more, and a few more.  I eventually opened it up as pulic, and sent the address out on MyFitnessPal. 

Just recently, I started promoting my blog on other blogspheres, and trying to get my name out there.  I just checked the stats for the first time in a while, and I am BLOWN AWAY.  I now have FatGirl Followers in the US, Russia, the UK, Germany, Canada, Australia, the Netherlands, France, the Cayman Islands, and in Palestine!

I just wanted to say a quick thank you to everyone that is following me!  Please feel free to comment, ask questions, or just talk!  I love doing this, and it pushes me even farther towards my goals.  Make sure to sign up.  Once I get a certain number of "followers", I get to start advertising, doing contests and give aways, etc...

Again - Blown away.  Thank you all!

<3 - The FatGirl

Daily Transformation...

This is something that I have been thinking about for a while now.  I've been inspired, and this is something should have started a long time ago.  In fact, I am probably going to regret starting this late. 

I love time-lapse videos.  The first one I saw was a few years ago.  It was a young woman who took a picture every single day - from the day she found out she was pregnant, until the newborn baby was brought home.  I've seen videos that are pictures of kids from being a day old until they are 12.  These are amazing transformations, and beautiful to watch. 

So I started looking.  I cannot find a video like the one mentioned above for weight loss.  Sure, there are transformation videos out there, but not a time-lapse weight loss.  So, I've decided - I'm going to do it!  I have a secret stash of progress photo's i've been taking along the way for the last few years.  For the last week or two, I've been taking pictures of myself everyday - trying to find a new progress photo I like for my profile picture for MFP. 

Now, I am going to make it a daily thing.  I am going to make sure I take at least ONE self photo every day.  I am going to post ONE daily here, every day - leading all the way to my wedding day - and until I meet my goal weight.  Once I am there, at the ultimate goal, I am going to complile the pictures into a video - and I will post it on my youtube channel.  Here is my forewarning though - I am no photographer, I am using an iPhone and mostly self shots, and I don't know how to make a video - so the end result will probably be nothing like what I want.  LOL 

Ready to start???  Here are a few pictures from the last few days....

Oh - and don't mind the suicide roll hair-do.  I got bangs, and by the time I decided it was a bad idea - it was 2 days too late.  So deal with the bangs for a few more weeks until they grow out, K?  lol

02/23/13 - 227.6 lbs




C25K - Week 2, Day 1

Last night was rough – on many, many levels.  My future mother in law  had called us on Sunday night and invited us to dinner on Monday.  Dana, Matt’s sister, and one of my best friends was coming down for dinner with her daughter.  She was going to make lasagna.  YAY!!!

NOT.  I CAN’T EAT PASTA!!!  It has nothing to do with carbs, or calories… I gave it up for Lent.  I have a love affair with pasta – and maybe that’s the carbs talking, but I really do.  It doesn’t matter what kind of pasta either.  I love it all.  I knew that I would not be able to resist if it was sitting right there in front of me.  So I made a plan. 

I packed my workout gear before work yesterday.  I picked Matt up, and we went over to his Moms.  Everyone is drinking wine, and sampling food – and I sat at the counter with my water.  I made small talk, chitty-chatted for a while, caught up on all the gossip.  And when it was time to eat – I made a bee-line for the door.  I went to the gym while everyone else ate. 

As you all know from my previous posts – my legs have been cramping up a lot while running.  But this was a new week, and a new workout.  C25K Week 2 – Day 1.  This week consists of intervals of 90 seconds running, 2 minutes walking.  So I decided to stretch my legs out a bit before I started.

Immediately, I knew something was off.  I wasn’t 30 seconds into the warm up, and BOTH of my legs started cramping.  I told myself to push through it, that the last time, I pushed through, and the pain went away.  It didn’t go away though.  I started running on the first interval, and the pain got pretty bad.  I was taking sharp breaths, and wincing.  I would bet money that Treadmill Barbie next to me was texting her BFF about the FatGirl crying after working out for 5 minutes, 30 seconds.  I pushed through the interval, knowing there would be relief when I was able to walk for the two minutes.  I was wrong. 

When I started walking, the pain level stayed the same.  This was both of my legs.  I felt like they were going to give out on me.  Each step burned more, and more.  I limped through the second interval, continuing to tell myself that at any time, the paid would subside.  By the time I was 10 minutes in – I had to pause the machine to try to stretch out my legs.  After about 10 seconds, the machine shut itself off.  AWESOME.  I stretched for the full 2 minute walking time, and started the treadmill back up. 

There was absolutely NO difference.  I turned the incline off - no difference.  I slowed my speed down – no difference.  I pushed through another 10 minutes, and had to stop again.  I paused the machine again, and it shut itself off again.  I followed the time on the app, and started the machine back up when it was time to run again. 

I have no idea how many calories I burned.  I have no clue how far I ran.  I know I was slower – but I did it.  No matter how slow I was, or what disgusting look Treadmill Barbie gave me, I was still faster than everyone sitting on a couch last night.  I pushed myself to the point of tears.  I finished it when I normally would have quit.  It’s when it’s hard that we get results.  It’s the pain that makes it worth it.  It’s called a workout because it requires EFFORT.  Without the work, without the pain, without the burn, it's just an EASY-OUT.  And I DID it. 

I took my time stretching last night, and decided that squats and deadlifts probably weren’t the best idea – so I skipped doing SL5x5.  I wasn’t happy about that, but I was honestly afraid of hurting myself – and I decided it just wasn’t worth it to me to risk it. 

The rest of the night was exhausting.  I ran around the house straightening up for Little Man’s birthday party tonight.  I planned secret surprises, and baked cupcakes.  What I forgot to do?  Make myself dinner.  I ended up with a salad, and cheese and crackers.  I was about 800 calories UNDER my goal last night, and that’s not good.  I was so tired, and I was sore.  Very, very sore.  

As I logged my pathetic dinner last night, I noticed ONE thing… my water.  I had nowhere near the amount of water I normally do by the time I had worked out.  That leaves me with two things that were not normal about this workout.  1.) I stretched beforehand, and 2.) I don’t think I was hydrated enough.  Tomorrow when I attack Day 2 head on, I am going to make sure that I am adequately hydrated, and I’m going to skip the pre-workout stretching.  Maybe I will see a difference in my performance. 


The NEW FatGirl

Monday, February 25, 2013

Week 5, Day 1 - Changing things up a bit...

Me?  Make changes?  Change my mind for the 500th time?  No.... NEVER. 

Okay, well yes.  Again.  Sorry. 

This is just a minor change though - I will be weighing in on Wednesdays instead of Mondays.  With updating the blog everyday with my workouts, and trying to weigh in on Mondays and Wednesdays, it's all just a bit much.  I feel like I am putting too much pressure on myself.  On Wednesdays, we do the weigh-ins for the Biggest Loser competition at work.  Weight, measurements, the whole 9.  It just makes more sense (to ME) to do my offical update then.  I have updated the chart below with the correct dates - but NO weigh in today. 

Here is a reminder of my goals:
  • I will weigh in, and report my weight at LEAST once a week, maybe more.
  • I will get to the gym (or workout at home) 4 times each week.
  • I will cut out the unnecessary sugary drinks, and get back to drinking water.
  • I will update the below chart after each week's weigh-in. If I meet the goal listed, the date will be changed to green. If I miss it - it will be red.
Today's weigh-in:
01/28/13: 226.6
02/04/13: 224.6 228.0
02/11/13: 222.6 227.8
02/18/13: 220.6 227.6
02/27/13: 218.6
03/06/13: 216.6
03/13/13: 214.6
03/20/13: 212.6
03/27/13: 210.6
04/03/13: 208.6
04/10/13: 206.6
04/17/13: 204.6
04/24/13: 202.6
05/01/13: 200.6
05/08/13: 198.6
05/15/13: 196.6
05/22/13: 194.6
05/29/13: 192.6
06/05/13: 190.6
06/12/13: 188.6
06/19/13: 186.6
06/26/13: 184.6
07/03/13: 182.6
07/10/13: 180.6
07/17/13: 178.6
07/24/13: 176.6
07/31/13: 174.6
08/07/13: 172.6
08/14/13: 170.6
08/21/13: 168.6
08/28/13: 166.6
08/31/13: My Wedding Day!!! Goal: 165.00

Number of pounds lost:
Number of inches lost:
Percentage of Body Fat lost:
Pounds left to Lose:

Week One, DONE!!!

So Saturday was day 3 of the first week of C25K.  Same workout, intervals of 60 seconds running, and 90 seconds walking.  I’ve had this thing where I’ve tried to push myself a bit harder each day.  This is why I have been taking pictures of the treadmill at the end of each workout.  Saturday was the last workout of the week, so I really wanted to push myself.  I walked faster.  I ran faster.  I ran a LOT faster on the last interval.  And I accomplished my goal. 

I walked at 3.2, ran at 4.5, and for the last 60 seconds, ran at 5.5.  I kept it at a 1 incline, and saw something I hadn’t seen yet – the 8th lap on the treadmill.  I covered a distance of 1.77 miles in 30 minutes.  The previous workout, I only reached 1.74, so I was pretty proud of myself.

I also realized that I actually prefer running on the treadmill, vs. running outside.  Don’t get me wrong, I prefer the scenery and fresh air outside over Family Feud on the TV and crazy perfume lady next to me.  But I like that the treadmill gives me a visual of my accomplishments.  I know that I am keeping a steady pace.  I know that I ran faster today than I did on my last workout.  I know exactly how far I ran.  And I know that today, I worked myself harder than yesterday.  For that reason, I think I am going to stick with the treadmill throughout this round of C25K.    

Anyway – after my run on Saturday, I was feeling especially motivated.  I was sitting in front of the mirror stretching my legs out, and realized I wasn’t ready to quit yet.  I was surrounded by all these weights – I might as well lift some of them!  So I pulled up the 5x5 app on my phone, and got to work.  For those of you who don’t know, the app I am talking about is StrongLifts 5x5.  The basic, quick rundown is this:  you do 5 sets of 5 reps on 3 major exercises.  That’s it.  I had started it once before, after my Moose of a Dog, Lexi – ate my copy of NROLFW.  Stronglifts was free, had an app, and had some great reviews. 

5x5 is comprised of 2 workouts, A and B.  Workout A is Squats, Bench Press, and a Barbell Row.  Workout B is Squats, Overhead Press, and Deadlift.  On your first workout, you are supposed to lift 45 pounds for the squats and the bench press, and 65 pounds for the row.  I surprised myself by completing 5x5 squats with good form.  However, I failed on the 4th set of the bench press, only completing 3 reps on 4 and 5.  I also failed on the row, completing 4 reps on sets 3 and 4, and only 3 reps on set 5.  Tonight will be workout B.  I’m excited to see what I can do! 

After feeling pretty antsy yesterday morning, I realized throughout the day that I was pretty sore – so I decided to take advantage of my rest day.  But I am anxious to get back to it.  I actually packed my workout bag this morning and threw it in the car, so that I would be prepared if Matt throws me a curveball tonight. 

Here are some updated progress pictures I took on Saturday.  They are disgusting.  I am a hot sweaty mess, and normally I wouldn’t post crap like this.  BUT – I look a hell of a lot better than I did 60 pounds ago, and this will be something great to look back on 60 pounds from now.  Right?  Right. 


Friday, February 22, 2013

Still gettin it!

Okay, so last night when I got home from work, Matt told me that his mom was making her famous chicken and rice. I'm sure he did not mind getting out of making dinner, but I didn't mind since I can't have lasagna anyway (I gave up pasta for Lent). When we got to the house, she was running late with dinner. By the time dinner was finished, we had eaten, and we got the kids rounded up and ready to leave, it was already 7:00.

I had my mind made up. I was doing this tonight. I rushed Matt and the kids out of the house, dropped them off, and headed to the gym. Tonight's workout seemed easier than the last one. I didn't have to think about my breathing as much this time, and it seems like the intervals were done before I knew it. I impressed myself with this because I also tried to run faster tonight and put the incline up just a little bit higher.

I really pushed myself. On the last interval, I decided that I was going to try to run at 5, which was a half a mile faster than I had run the entire time.

Today, I took advantage of my off day by doing the Zumba Toning. Now, I don't have the maracas so I just used my two pound weights. Holy. Hell. To be honest, I only did 30 minutes and quit. I don't even know how long that DVD is. But those 30 minutes definitely kicked my ass. And I was pretty proud I did it, because I really, *really* didn't want to.

And I had a NSV today. Kinda. Lol

I talked to my mom tonight, as I do every day of my life. I told her about my workouts last night and today. My mom is a walker. She walks a few days a week, and is working on losing some weight. She told me tonight that when she was walking today, she noticed some people her age gathering for an exercise class. After she was done walking, she went and asked a staff member about the class.

It's a silver sneakers program that meets twice a week, and is catered to seniors. And she signed up!!! She said I had inspired her to work harder on being healthier, and she is going to do the class in addition to her walks.

That's kind of an NSV, right? Either way, I am one proud daughter right now. Her first class is next Wednesday. I told her she's going to have to do a guest blog post about it... She'll never do it, but I can't wait to hear about it!

See ya tomorrow!!


Thursday, February 21, 2013

I said i'd never do it....

I fought it.  I fought it long and hard.  I didn’t want to do it.  I wasn’t going to give in.  And then I bought the DVD, only because I basically stole it.  And then I fought it again.  The DVD has sat in my house for months, collecting dust.  Last night, it won.  Damn you ZUMBA!!!!

Let me back up…

Yesterday was a bad day for me.  It started out as a bad morning, continued into a bad afternoon, followed by a bad weigh-in, a bad attitude, and bad traffic on the way home.  I will admit I was glad when Matt told me the kids were staying at Grandma’s until 6.  At least I’d have some time to wind down before my bad day affected them.  So I sat down to relax.

The next thing I knew, it was 6:45, and Matt was waking me up.  I literally hit the ground running.  Don’t get me wrong, everyone loves a good nap – but now I was behind!  I had a schedule planned for the night!  I had a plan!  Now the plan isn’t going to work!  Needless to say, I was NOT in the best mood when I woke up.  I helped with homework while I got dinner ready.  By the time  we were done eating, it was close to 8.  The kids go to bed in an hour.  There’s no way to get to the gym and back in that amount of time, Matt is watching TV in my workout room, and Nathan is playing the Wii in the other room.  How in the hell was I going to get my workout in?

Just that quick, I moved the DVD player from our family room, to the bedroom.  Hmm… not a whole lot of space.  I had about 6 feet between the TV and the bed, and about 10 ft of usable space from side to side.  The 30 Day Shred is not going to work.  Neither is the Brazilian Butt lift.  Or Turbo Jam.  I eyed the DVDs with contempt.  This is stupid.  Who wants to dance like a fool in their bedroom?  I really don’t want to stare that this Latin diva’s spectacular abs for the next 30 minutes.  But if I want to work out – if I want to keep my promise to myself, this IS my only option. 

Damn it all to hell. 

I started to get some workout gear on.  And here comes Madie. 

“Wanna play spoons?” 

Uh, with two people, and without alchol... hmmmm…. NO.

“Aw sweetheart, I would but I have to work out!”

“Can I work out with you?”

Damnnit.  I should have known that was coming.  Now I have to share my already confined space with someone else.  Eh, she is kinda small.  It’s not like a second elephant trying to salsa in a 6x10 box, right?

“Sure, go get dressed…”

And we we’re off.  Within 2 minutes we were hip shakin’, laughing hysterically, and sweating.  I had to really focus on my posture – back straight, tummy pulled in, shoulders back… - to really feel the burn… but when I did, IT BURNED.  We did the Zumba Live dvd, so it was nice to see people of all ages, shapes and sizes fumbling around just as horrifically as I was.  We were dancing, having a great time, when Mr. No FUN came and knocked on the bedroom door.  He asked what we were doing and said we sounded like 10 teenagers having a slumber party.  We yelled back “ZUUUUUUUUMMMMMMBAAAAAAAAA!!!!!”  He yelled back that it was bedtime.  I rolled my eyes at Madie, and said, “it’s only been 10 minutes!”

Yep, I was wrong.  More than 30 minutes had passed, and we hadn't even noticed!  We were just having FUN!!  But, Miss hipshaker still had to take a shower, and be in bed in 15 minutes.  Oops…  That was my fault. 

As the kids got in their shower and bath, Matt help up his hand for a “fist bump”.  I did it, but asked “What’s this for?”.  He said that he was really proud of me for working out.  He was SURE that when I woke up like a crazy person from my nap that I would excuse myself from working out, saying it was an off day, or I had too many other things to do.  I told him that I come first now.  If it comes down to a choice of working out, or doing the dishes (which just happened to be the situation) I’m choosing me, and as proof, the dishes are still in the sink.  LOL 

I hate to admit it, but it was fun.  I can see why so many people love Zumba.  I really don’t think this will be my every “off” night workout, but it will definitely be used on the nights I really don’t *want* to work out. 

Hey, a girls’ got to have priorities, right?

Then I weighed in this morning when I got to work…  I am down TWO pounds from YESTERDAY!!!  I was super excited!  Tonight is my next run for C25K – Week 1, Day 2 – and I’m pretty excited about that too.  Matt is making dinner, and hopefully will have the dishes done by the time I get home…   

PS – I *finally* understand this…

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

I HATE the scale

I hate the scale.  And when I say hate, I don’t even think that is a strong enough word.  We had our weigh in today for the Biggest Loser competition at work.  I wasn’t the best, but I wasn’t the worst.  I only lost a pound.  One side of me is proud.  I did it.  I lost my pound per week.  That’s one less pound on my body, and one less pound I still have left to lose. 

The other side of me is ranting in R rated language that would make Joe Pesci blush  Now, Mama didn’t raise no fool.  I know that my weigh fluctuates tremendously from day to day, hour to hour.  Hell, I’ve gained and lost 7 pounds since MONDAY.  But come the fuck on.  ONE damn pound since last week?!?!?  This is beyond frustrating.  I feel like I did all this work, and for what?  ONE measly pound?  I am seriously hoping that is this still water weight from the detox, and working out, and stress, and that number is magically going to plummet 1-2 more whole numbers.  By like, tomorrow.    

And while I want nothing more than to dive head first into a bag of Lays Salt and Vinegar chips followed by 2 or 3 Mountain Dews… I refuse.  Because I KNOW that the scale is an evil lying bitch that was created by food companies to drive you to binge eat their delicious snacks.  Mother.  Fuckers. – I’m on to you.    

I’m going to go eat my baked chicken and carrots now. 

 … And the FatGirl stomps away. 

C25K - Day 1!!!

Yesterday when I got home from work I was pumped to get to the gym.  Matt was already home, and had been playing a game on the Wii.  We have been playing Mario Galaxy with the kids since Madie got it for Christmas, and honestly, we are both addicted to it.  He wanted me to help him get a new star – he had been working on it and just couldn’t get it.  So I sat down to help.  After a few tries, we beat the world, and he asked me if I wanted to play another board, or go to the gym.  I immediately responded with “Play another board!”.  I know, I know.  As we sat there and played, I fought with myself about not going.  The couch was cozy, the game was fun, and it was bitterly cold outside.  I could skip it.  I could do it tomorrow.  I could…. GAME OVER.  DAMNIT!  We died!!! 

I surprised myself as I jumped up off the couch, and headed to get dressed for the gym.  As I was changing, I yelled to Matt and asked him if he would fill my water bottle up for me while I changed.  I got my workout gear on, bundled up, and grabbed my FitBit.  When I walked to the kitchen, Matt handed me my bag, told me my water was in it, and he would see me later.  And I was off.  In 5 minutes I had gone from talking myself out of going to being out the door and on my way to the gym. 

I had a plan.  I was ready.  I was mentally prepared for this.  I threw all my stuff in a locker, grabbed my water and my iPod, and headed for the treadmills.  I looked for an Arc Trainer – turns out my gym doesn’t have one.  So much for that on my “off” days.  When I got to the treadmills, every other one was taken.  I HATE that.  I HATE being that close to strangers.  I don’t want them looking at my machine and judging how fast I’m going, or what incline I’m on.  It literally drives me nuts.  I had to block it out, and just get it done.  I hopped on, and heard that old friendly C25K lady voice in my earbuds.  “Welcome to C25K!  Begin your warm-up now!”

I set the incline to two.  It was more difficult than normal, but I don’t think it mimics outdoor conditions in any way, shape, or form.  I am a pretty slow runner, so I walked at 3, and ran at 4.5.  I know – not impressive at all, but it’s as fast as I can go right now.  I felt pretty good.  I was shocked when the first running interval was done.  I wasn’t even out of breath!!!  By the third interval, I had a HORRIBLE cramp pop up in my right calf.  And I mean PAINFUL.  I was literally about in tears.  I seriously thought about stopping.  And 6 months ago, I would have.  I would have quit.  And that’s what pushed me.  Only 30 more seconds, and then I get to walk.  I get to take a break.  And I pushed.  And I cried.  And I made it.  I reached for my water, an noticed something.  There was writing all over it.  WTF is this??  I looked closer, and Matt had written notes all over my water bottle when he filled it.  “You got this!”  “I love you!”  “I am Proud of U”  with hearts and smiley faces all over.  It melted my heart.    

Surprisingly, by the next interval, the cramp was gone.  The rest of the workout went pretty easy.  I never really got out of breath, but I really focused on my breathing.  This is something I have never done, but I have learned from reading about it, and talking to other runners, that your breathing is just as important as anything while running, and if you don’t do it right, then it can actually hold you back. 

In 30 Minutes, I completed 7 laps, 1.71 miles, and burned 297 calories (according to my FitBit).  Not bad for a first day.  I felt great afterwards, and I am looking forward to tonight.  I have not decided whether I will work out at the gym or at home, but I am GOING to do something.  I am sure Madie will want to do it with me, so maybe Zumba?  Or the 30DS, and I'll get to workout alone...  LOL
Stay Tuned!!!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

C25K - and BEYOND!!!

Okay - so this is getting a bit ridiculous, I'm aware.  Three posts in ONE day?  I know, I know - but i'm excited!!!

I have decided to give C25K another go.  Last round, I made it up to Week 5, Day Three, then quit.  I couldn't get past it, and I know that it was totally a mental thing, due to the fact I ran the entire Color Run. I just gave up on myself. 

Anyway, to stay on my game, and stay focused, I have decided to chronical each day of my C25K training.  Along with that, the app gives you a quote for every day you sign in.  I will be posting the quotes as part of my workout reviews.  I found a few new friends on MFP that are all starting C25K tonight - which is exactly how I met Christy - my little running inspiration! 

I am starting tonight, Week One, Day One.  Its 19 degrees outside, and the wind, she's a blowin'.  I will be doing the first run on the treadmill with some sort of resistance.  I haven't decided whether to do a hill interval run, or just a 1-2% incline....  I'm waiting to hear back from the expert on that one. 

The plan is to follow the program precisely.  No off days, no "I'll do it tomorrow"s.  3 days a week, for 8 weeks.  Now time for the monkey wrench.  I have talked and talked about C25K repeatedly on here, but I have actually downloaded the C210K app.  It is a 14 week program, with running a 10K on Day One of week 15 - which just so happens to coincide with Memorial Day weekend, the kick off to summer.  Thats 15 weeks, 45 workouts, and hopefully 30 pounds.  I also would like to get an extra workout or two in each week, putting me up to 4-5 days a week.  I don't want to be too strict on what I am doing those days.  Maybe Zumba or the Brazil Butt Lift, or the 30DS.  Maybe it will be an extra run, or some weight training stuff.  I also have this calendar I want to follow from The Sisterhood of Shrinking Jeans.  Each month they dedicate to a different area of the body.  I am going to work on Gunshow February - obviously arm exercises.  Those exercises only take about 10 - 15 minutes, and for the sake of my home life, I'd like to keep my workouts at about an hour long. 

And without getting ahead of myself - the ultimate goal here would be to continue after the 15 weeks, on to the half marathon (13.1) and eventually to the full marathon (26.2).  Yes, they have an app for that.  Week One of the 26.2 wants you to run 5 miles.  We're gonna have to build up to that.  :)

I have also decided to take a picture for every 10 pounds I lose.  I didn't like the monthly pictures when I wasn't getting results.  I think weekly would be too much, but I think 10 pound markers would be a good way to watch my progression - along with the measurements and weigh ins I already do. 

So here is today - all 224 pounds of me.   I will probably post another pic at 220.  Checking back in at 214 just sounds silly.  And I will check in after my run, either tonight, or tomorrow! 

EEK!!!  I'm actually excited about this!!!  Not the picture, the workout tonight, and the adventure ahead!  To C25K... AND BEYOND!!!


I have a few thoughts in my head today that I need to get down on paper.  Which means this will probably turn into a novel.  But who cares, right?  I’m the only damn person that reads this anyway!

 I’m back.  Well – I feel like I’m back, anyway.  I am all over the good for you food, staying away from the junk, completed my detox, and headed to the gym tonight.  I don’t really have the cravings for the bad stuff anymore – which the detox helps with.  The lack of caffeine headaches have stopped, and I have been drinking a ton of water – more than my daily “have-to” amount. 

I am trying to do everything I can to stay focused.  I have committed to weighing in twice a week – on Mondays for me, my blog, and my promise to myself, and on Wednesdays for the Biggest Loser Competition at work.  I have been trying to build a better, stronger support system.  I have reached out to friends for help when I am going to need it.  HoJ and I made a deal.  Krista I can always call.  My Mama-bear as always.  But I also surprised myself.  I reached out to my friends on MFP, and asked that they send me some more supportive people.  I got several new “friends” that have been awesome.  But one “old” friend has been awesome!  Her name is Christy – and I *really* admire her. 

 Christy and I became friends when both of us began C25k at the same time.  She graduated, while I, most sadly, did not.  She has run in a 5k what seems like every weekend since then.  She does two-a-days like it’s her job, has met her goal weight, and looks like a rock star.  Not to mention the lifelong hurdles she jumped to get to that point – which is her business, so I won’t say it here.  She checks on me, encourages me, pats me on the back, and sends me inspirational quotes and pictures.  She’s seriously freaking awesome.  I just wish she lived closer, so I could work out with her. 

I seriously need a workout buddy.  L

Then there’s Matt.  He has told me every single day how proud he is of me.  That I’m doing a good job.  To keep it up.  He asked me last night how much I had lost, that he could really tell.  Which of course, is impossible, since it’s only been a few days.  But even though my head knows it’s impossible – it worked.  Because I want more compliments, and I want them to be real, and genuine.  Then today, I was telling him I was nervous about getting the kids back tonight.  The only reason being that I run around like a crazy person when the kids are home being a mom – and “me” time at the gym just does not happen.  He promised me that he was going to cook dinner each night, help with homework, and laundry, and would even chauffer me to and from the gym to make sure I get to go. 

Then – I took a HUGE, and I mean HUGE leap.  I started contacting photographers and getting prices.  I found one, and she has sent me the contract.  I told her that I was still losing weight, and that I didn’t want to do the shoot until July.  She told me when I settle on a date I want, to just let her know.  The next step is giving her the NON REFUNDABLE retainer – which should be a HUGE motivation to get this done.  I am so excited.  And so terrified.  And nervous.  GAH!!!! 

Now the only downside – My Mom gave me some advice that has really, really confused me.  My Mom is my #2 (behind Matt) supporter.  But as I was telling her about altering my dress, and my goals and working out and all that, she said something that has stuck in my head.  She said that she was afraid my goals were too out of reach.  That I might not get there, and that I will beat myself up if I don’t.  And as adamant as I was with her that I could do it, and it’s not that out of reach, she has me second guessing myself.    And I don’t like that.  I try not to think about it, but every once in a while, that voice creeps in my head…  “It’s nevvvvvvvver gonna happen…”

The only way I can think of to make that voice go away is to work out. 

Monday, February 18, 2013

Week 4, Day 1

I am hesitant to mark this down as my weight for the week, but it is Monday, and I did promise I would post every Monday. But I will give you forewarning that there may be two weigh in's this week.
I am *right* in the middle of the Fruit Flush Detox- which if history is any indicator, on Wednesday morning, the scale will plummet!!! As of today - I weigh the exact same - down to the ounce - as I did last week.  227.6
I will definitely be checking in Wednesday!
Here is a reminder of my goals:
  • I will weigh in, and report my weight at LEAST once a week, maybe more.
  • I will get to the gym (or workout at home) 4 times each week.
  • I will cut out the unnecessary sugary drinks, and get back to drinking water.
  • I will update the below chart after each week's weigh-in. If I meet the goal listed, the date will be changed to green. If I miss it - it will be red.
Today's weigh-in: 227.6
01/28/13: 226.6
02/04/13: 224.6 228.0
02/11/13: 222.6 227.6
02/18/13: 220.6 227.6
02/25/13: 218.6
03/04/13: 216.6
03/11/13: 214.6
03/18/13: 212.6
03/25/13: 210.6
04/01/13: 208.6
04/08/13: 206.6
04/15/13: 204.6
04/22/13: 202.6
04/29/13: 200.6
05/06/13: 198.6
05/13/13: 196.6
05/20/13: 194.6
05/27/13: 192.6
06/03/13: 190.6
06/10/13: 188.6
06/17/13: 186.6
06/24/13: 184.6
07/01/13: 182.6
07/08/13: 180.6
07/15/13: 178.6
07/22/13: 176.6
07/29/13: 174.6
08/05/13: 172.6
08/12/13: 170.6
08/19/13: 168.6
08/26/13: 166.6
08/31/13: My Wedding Day!!! Goal: 165.00

Friday, February 15, 2013

Lent, weddings, and rewards!

Yesterday, one of my favorite Valentines called me -my lil' Heather Jo. She is my oldest and best friend, and she lives 600 miles away in Wisconsin. We have both struggled with our weight/body image our entire lives. And now she is stressing about losing weight for the same reason I am, my wedding in the fall.

I told her that I have really been struggling lately. The numbers on the scale aren't moving like I want them too. The tape measure isn't changing either. I haven't been to the gym in over a week - and I have NO motivation to go. Everyday, I plan for it. And then I get home and the couch and sweats seem like a much better idea.

From experience, on days like this, I know that if I just get up and go, I will feel better after my workout is over, but I have not been able to get over that hump. I have chosen the couch every night this week.

She has been the exact opposite. She busts her ass at the gym for an hour every single day, but derails herself by hitting a fast food place on the way home. Those of you from Wisconsin will understand this - but cheese curds are her nemisiss, and her favorite.

We are both emotional and stress eaters. And we both have fallen victim to that lately. So we decided yesterday that we were going to be each other's support system. Anytime we feel like binging, we have to pick up the phone, call the other, and get permission first. Because sometimes, a bowl of icecream really *is* the only solution. ;)

Since I gave up Facebook for Lent, this will just be another reason for her and I to talk more frequently, and to support each other. She told me that she had given up bread and pasta for Lent. I immediately wondered why the hell I had not thought of that. I LOVE me some carbs. Pasta is just about my favorite food in the world. I could eat it every night of the week. So I told her that I would give it up with her. So, for the next 38 days, NO Facebook, NO pasta, NO bread. THIS should be interesting.

Last night I decided to pull some motiviation out of the abyss. I went back on my blog (A Fat Girl Walks into a Bar...) and looked at the posts from this time last year, and I found what really kickstarted me. I did a 3 day detox call the Fruit Flush. I don't know WHY it motivated me the way it did, but it did. And I need that feeling back. I need that sense of accomplishment. Maybe my body is just riddled with all the junk I have put in it over the last few months, and I need to get it out. I felt amazing when those 3 days were over. And on day 4, I hit the gym. Hard. And I didn't give up.

So I'm doing it. Again. Starting tomorrow, I am doing the Fruit Flush again. Day one is protein shakes all day, then days two and three are fruit all day. Okay - so it's a lot more complicated than that, but that's the easy explaination. By Tuesday of next week, I will be able to start working out.

I want this now more than ever. I am doing this for my wedding. I know that on that particular day, no matter my size, I will feel beautiful. But - I want to feel beautiful when I look at the pictures a year after. I want to prove to myself that I can do this. I want to shove it in everyones face that said I couldn't. Or say that I can't.

And then I figured out the most awesome present to myself. IF I meet my July 15th goal (6 weeks before my wedding) of 175 pounds, I am going to reward myself with a full day of pampering - including a boudoir photo shoot!!! For those of you that don't know, boudoir photography is pretty much candid and posed photographs of the subject partly clothed or in lingerie. Some of the photos are implied nudity, but not acutal nudity. It is very classy, very sensual, and something I've thought about for a LONG time. What better what to show off my new, sexy, confident self, than by doing an intimate photo shoot? Completely glam hair and makeup, and pictures, outfits and poses that are meant to make me look my absolute best. Then, I can have the pictures made into a book, and give it to my husband on our wedding day with a note that simply says - "for your eyes only..." EEK!

So that's it. It's GAME. FUCKING. ON. And I need every damn last one of you to bust my ass if you see me falling off the wagon. I am going to push like I never have before. It is time to focus and get on point. No excuses.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Week 3, Day One

Well, I still didn't quite meet the goal I wanted to. Apparently, I need to switch something up. Eat more, eat less, who knows. I just have to keep tweaking my diet until I figure it out - and hopefully not get too frustrated along the way. Not really happy today. :(

Here is a reminder of my goals:

  • I will weigh in, and report my weight at LEAST once a week, maybe more.
  • I will get to the gym (or workout at home) 4 times each week.
  • I will cut out the unnecessary sugary drinks, and get back to drinking water.
  • I will update the below chart after each week's weigh-in. If I meet the goal listed, the date will be changed to green. If I miss it - it will be red.

Today's weigh-in: 227.6

01/28/13: 226.6

02/04/13: 224.6 228.0

02/11/13: 222.6 227.6

02/18/13: 220.6

02/25/13: 218.6

03/04/13: 216.6

03/11/13: 214.6

03/18/13: 212.6

03/25/13: 210.6

04/01/13: 208.6

04/08/13: 206.6

04/15/13: 204.6

04/22/13: 202.6

04/29/13: 200.6

05/06/13: 198.6

05/13/13: 196.6

05/20/13: 194.6

05/27/13: 192.6

06/03/13: 190.6

06/10/13: 188.6

06/17/13: 186.6

06/24/13: 184.6

07/01/13: 182.6

07/08/13: 180.6

07/15/13: 178.6

07/22/13: 176.6

07/29/13: 174.6

08/05/13: 172.6

08/12/13: 170.6

08/19/13: 168.6

08/26/13: 166.6

08/31/13: My Wedding Day!!! Goal: 165.00

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Week Two, Day Two

Okay - So it's Tuesday, and not Monday - but let me explain...

Since we are doing the Biggest Loser contest here at work, I brought my scale in for everyone to use. And since this past weekend was my birthday, and I drank like I was 19, I had a two day hangover, which led to me taking the day off of work yesterday. I couldn't weigh in until I got to work today.

While the scale does not reflect my progress, I think that can be explained too. It's TOM in my world right now, which usually means 2-3 pounds of water weight that jumps on my body. I having a feeling that next weeks weigh in will be a BIG loss. Plus, I did everything else I had listed for my goals. I weighed in, I worked out 4 times, I haven't had anything but water and coffee to drink, and I'm updating my progress. I'd say that's pretty good for a first week.

Here is a reminder of my goals:

  • I will weigh in, and report my weight at LEAST once a week, maybe more.
  • I will get to the gym (or workout at home) 4 times each week.
  • I will cut out the unnecessary sugary drinks, and get back to drinking water.
  • I will update the below chart after each week's weigh-in. If I meet the goal listed, the date will be changed to green. If I miss it - it will be red. I hope that I never see red.

Today's weigh-in: 228.0

01/28/13: 226.6

02/04/13: 224.6 228.0

02/11/13: 222.6

02/18/13: 220.6

02/25/13: 218.6

03/04/13: 216.6

03/11/13: 214.6

03/18/13: 212.6

03/25/13: 210.6

04/01/13: 208.6

04/08/13: 206.6

04/15/13: 204.6

04/22/13: 202.6

04/29/13: 200.6

05/06/13: 198.6

05/13/13: 196.6

05/20/13: 194.6

05/27/13: 192.6

06/03/13: 190.6

06/10/13: 188.6

06/17/13: 186.6

06/24/13: 184.6

07/01/13: 182.6

07/08/13: 180.6

07/15/13: 178.6

07/22/13: 176.6

07/29/13: 174.6

08/05/13: 172.6

08/12/13: 170.6

08/19/13: 168.6

08/26/13: 166.6

08/31/13: My Wedding Day!!! Goal: 165.00