I can't breathe! In...2....3.....4.... Out....2....3....4.... In...2...3...4...
What is wrong with my leg?!?!?!
There is no way I can finish this workout.
There is no way I can run for another 3 minutes.
90 seconds walking.
My leg is seriously going to fall the fuck off.
I have to stretch.
Its so hard to stretch on a treadmill.
I can't stretch it the way I need to up here!
Who designs these torture devices anyway?!?!?
OH, thank god. Workout Barbie is leaving.
How in holy fuck do I only have 8 seconds left?
Last one.
I can do this.
Don't look at the clock.
Dont look at the clock.
Oh, I hate this song.
Really. Hard. Tochange. Songs. While. Running.
Ooooohhhh - PERFECT!!!
In...2....3.....4.... Out....2....3....4.... In...2...3...4....
Shoot me down. I won't fall. I am TITANIUM!!!!
Nope. Jello. I am Jello.
I can't do this. I have to stop.
2 minutes left.
2 minutes.
Need water.
"I'm so proud of you!!!"
"Aug 160 Get it skinny!!!"
Love that water bottle.
Can't drink.
Probably spill it everywhere and electrocute myself.
1:45 left.
Wedding Dress.
Wedding Dress.
Wedding Dress.
I need a picture of me in my wedding dress for moments just like this.
I'm not doing the cool down.
I think my legs are going to give out.
I'll finish the 3 minutes walking, but not the cool down.
Please don't let my legs give out.
I can't afford to repair the drywall.
Why did I pick the treadmill in the corner.
Now I'm going to have to replace 2 walls when I fall.
In...2....3.....4.... Out....2....3....4.... In...2...3...4....
1 minute. I can do one minute!
I'm almost done!
Holy Shit!!
In...2....3.....4.... Out....2....3....4.... In...2...3...4...
BONO? Really? That must be a different generation thing.
I REALLY don't get that one.
Who the hell else did I miss?
15 seconds!!!
Finger on the speed button...
I can't believe it.
I did it!
Why am I smiling like an idiot.
God I hope they don't have cameras back here.
The entire staff is probably gathered around the front desk watching, laughing, and pointing at this FatGirl.
They don't know I've already lost 63 pounds.
I can't walk.
I have to stretch.
Stretching doesn't work on a treadmill!
God I can't wait to get off this thing.
I can't believe I did it.
No cheating.
No slowing down.
Worked through the pain.
Still working through the pain.
Fat leaving the body.
Fat leaving the body.
TLC? As a group?
How is a group a sexiest person???
I know that video.
Don't go chasing waterfalls.... Please stick to the rivers and the lakes that you're used to....
Never understood that video.
Why are they dancing in the water.
Can't believe Left Eye is dead. She was one crazy bitch.
Can't remember that one's name, but she was the prettiest.
"You may begin your cool down..."
Time to quit...
NO god damnnit!
It's only 5 minutes.
5 more minutes gets me that much closer to my goal.
5 more minutes means I didn't give up.
5 more minutes, and you beat it, it didn't beat you!
Keep going.
Fine, but I have to slow down. 2.5.
Ahhhh... Better.
Now it feels too slow.
Back up to 2.9.
Maybe 2.7.
Fuck. 2.5.
Grandma Orange shoes is here.
She always does the elliptical. 7?
She set it to resistance 7!
Grandma Orange shoes is a beast!!!
And she looks better than me.
Wait... The wheel is in the front...
Is that an Arc Trainer?!?!
Have I seriously been staring at the Arc Trainer every damn day I've been here?
That's what Christy said right?
Look for the wheel in the front?
I'm going to have to Google that picture again...
I can't believe that. It's been here the whole time.
I can NOT wait to stretch. My fucking legs HUuuuuurrrrrttttt!!!
"You're workout is complete!"
Yay!!! I did it!!!
Take picture of the screen!!!
Wait - 28 minutes?
Why 28 minutes? It should be 30!
Did the time pause when I straddled the machine to stretch?
WTF is that shit?!?!?! God damn it!!!
Two more minutes. I can do two more minutes.
My legs feel like Jello for real.
God I hope I don't collapse when I get off this thing.
Just like in Bridgette Jones Diary.
Step one foot off. Leg gives out. BAM!!! On the floor.
My legs are literally Jello.
Two tree trunk resembling, trembling Jello molds.
In Lime.
Why do I immediately think of Lime?
I don't even like lime Jello.
6 seconds!!!! 5....4....3....2....1....!!!!!
Take the picture!!!
Yaya!!! If I thought my legs would take it, i'd SOOOO do a happy dance right now.
Just don't fall down. Don't let Grandma see you fall....
I took a good 10-15 minutes to stretch afterwards. I did every leg stretch I could think of. They were still tingling by the time I got home. And I can definitely feel it today - but it's the GOOD feel it. I feel GOOD today. I am definitely taking my rest day today. I can tell my body needs it. Maybe some Yoga tonight... But no running and no lifting. Gotta prepare for W3D2.
And this, has been 30 minutes and 4 seconds inside my head. -FatGirl