Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Yesterday was a good day!

At least that is what I keep telling myself.  I actually tracked my food on MyFitnessPal.com.  I drank an entire GALLON of water - and by doing so, I proved to myself that yes, it can be done.  I stood in the cafeteria for 20 minutes deciding what I was going to have for lunch.  I ended up getting a salad, but I was not even happy about that.  The plates really aren't portion friendly, so it's hard to tell exactly what you are getting.  I decided before I had even paid for my lunch that I would not be partaking in cafeteria food anymore.  I just have more control if I just pack every day.  I opened the Fat Girl (this, my blog) up to friends on Facebook and MyFitnessPal.  I was actually having a really great diet day.
Then I got home.  And I found out that we were having dinner at Matt's mom's.  Dana and David and all the kids are there!  David is going to run out and pick up some chicken...  that sound okay?  Here are my reactions, in order of how they occurred.  Out loud; Oh yeah, sounds GREAT!!!  In my head;  Damnnit man, what the hell am I going to have for dinner then?  Inner Fat kid:  I've been craving fried chicken!!!!
Now, I am not sure if I have mentioned this previously, but my mother in law has some crazy powers of persuasion.  She has ways of making you do things you don't want to do.  She guilt tripped me until I ate.  She practically force fed me. 
And I am lying. 
She did no such thing.  In fact - while I chowed down on chicken, coleslaw, mashed potatoes and a biscuit - she stuck to her Weight Watchers, and made her own dinner.  My fat ass never thought twice about it.    And I didn't even feel guilty - until I did the walk of shame to the keyboard of my computer and logged my dinner.  I was over on my Fat allowance.  I was under on my calories.  And as I contemplated this - things started clicking in my head again.  And the following is why yesterday WAS a good day: I remembered!!!!
I remembered that I am allowed to have KFC.  Did I need that HUGE breast, and all the potatoes and coleslaw and the biscuit?  No.  I had simply forgotten the basics.  I have done enough research to know all of this.  Take note of the following rules fatty- and lets try to stick to them today. 
1.) Drink an 8 oz glass of water 15 minutes before you eat. 
2.) Don't put more than what the actual portion should be on your plate. 
3.) Take smaller bites. 
4.) Chew your food.  I have to remember that my mouth is not a shop vac.  There is no magic number, but chewing your food properly allows for the saliva needed to actually DIGEST your food so that your body gets the nutrients it needs - and can get rid of the crap you don't need.   
5.) Drink a sip of water between each bite.  This has several advantages.  Along with slowing your eating down, it allows for proper saliva production, which in turn helps to break down the food for digestion.  And since you are slowing down, your body has time to realize when you are actually full. 
6.) Want seconds?  Sure - just wait 15 minutes before you grab the second plate.  Then see if you are really still hungry. 
Now - with all that being said, today is Fat Tuesday.  This is the day that the Lord has made.  Just for a fat kid on a diet.  Yesterday - I planned on gorging myself today on every fattening thing I could find.  Today though - i'mmmm not so sure.  Can I eat some fattening things?  Yes - with all of the above in mind.  I have to remember what my goal is here.  The goal is to lose weight, not to find every excuse I can to NOT diet. 
While I may not have eaten the best, and I didn't exercise, I am making yesterday a positive experience.  Every day is a new chance, and a new opportunity to learn from my own mistakes.  I have to remember that not every day is going to be perfect, and there will days when everything doesn't go the way I planned.  Instead of beating myself down, and becoming depressed because I was not successful yesterday - I will learn from it, and make today a better day. 
Happy Fat Tuesday!

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