Monday, February 27, 2012

I have a plan...

I am going to kick some serious ass this week.  The weigh in this morning was just the motivation I needed.  Then finding out there will be two 7M3 concerts June 1st and 2nd, that was just the EXTRA motivation I needed.  Translation – if I stick to my goals, by concert time, I will be down 30 lbs!!!  So here’s the plan.

1.)    Do the 30DS EVERY day this week.
2.)    Walk the dogs at least 3 times this week for at least 20 minutes.               
a.)    Try to get Matt to go with me. 
3.)    Drink a Gallon of water each day.
4.)    No snacking after 8 pm.
5.)    Eat Breakfast every day.
6.)    No ice cream, pasta, sweets, rice or bread.  
7.)    Start the 100 Pushups Challenge!!!  

Let the games begin Bitches.  WOOT WOOT!!!

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