Monday, March 5, 2012

I'm still here....

I know – I know… it’s been a few days.  I have been slacking.  But I have NOT fallen off the wagon.  I might be hanging onto the wagon by my pinky toe – but I’m still on it.  Last week was rough.

Last Wednesday night – Matt and I started to really worry about Lexi, our 5 ½ month old English Mastiff puppy.  My brother in law, David, had noticed the Saturday before that there was a bit of an indentation in her back left leg.  As the week went on, we noticed it more and more, and by Wednesday night – Matt and I were both convinced that she was suffering from Hip Dysplasia.  We did lots of research, which only added to our fears, as she seemed to display every symptom.  I called the Vet first thing on Thursday morning.  After explaining my fears to them, they asked if I could be at the office within the hour.  I left work and took her to the vet.  After 2 hours at the Vet’s office, I left with an X-ray of a deformed Femur bone, some pain medicine, a referral to an orthopedic specialist, and a lot of unanswered questions.  The vet had never seen anything like this, and the leg may have to be amputated. 

I went home, worked out, cleaned, and did everything I could to try to keep my mind off of my poor puppy’s leg.  Matt and I both took off work on Friday to take Lexi to the specialist.  He told us that her leg was deformed due to the way the bone grew after a spiral fracture in that leg that occurred when she was only a week or two old.  It can be fixed with surgery, and it will grow back normally, and she can live a long and healthy, amputation free life.  Whew!!!  Except that the surgery will cost 3,500.00 – and they need payment in full before they will operate.  Just our luck.  So it was good news, and bad news.  When we got home, I spent the afternoon getting all of our Tax documents ready, since we were meeting with our accountant at 6 that evening.  Matt’s was good news, mine – not so much.  It wasn’t horrible, it just was not what I was expecting.  I didn’t work out on Friday.  I could have made time – but I honestly just chose not to.  It had been a horrible day – and I made a choice. 

Saturday – I knew I had to work out.  I skipped Madie’s soccer game so that I could have the house to myself to work out.  I felt great afterwards.  I had a ton of energy, and was in a great mood by the time Matt returned home.  We worked on the house for a while, but mostly had a VERY lazy Saturday.  I really didn’t eat much all day – so when it came time to eat – I had a TON of calories to make up for – especially since I worked out.  So we ordered Larosa’s.  I probably went over – because I couldn’t find the exact nutritional information – but I wasn’t really worried about it. 

Sunday, we got up and went to church.  That’s 3 weeks in a row for us!!  (YAY!)  After Mass, we had another soccer game for Madie.  Then we had some running to do.  When we did get home at 4 – I hadn’t eaten anything all day.  I made myself some lunch and we sat down and watched TV.  I guess I fell asleep – and when I woke up – the kids were home.  It was 8:30.  I had slept for at least 2 hours.  There was no time to work out.  It was time for the kids to go to bed, and I couldn’t be jumping around in the living room keeping them up.  That sucked.  I really had planned on working out.  I didn’t make dinner, because it was already so late, but I was hungry.  So I made a small salad, and had some cheese its.  Not the best – I know, but I was way under for the day.  So basically – this weekend was all jacked up. 

Then I wake up this morning, weigh in, and see 217.0!!!  I have held that number all weekend, so I was pretty stoked.  I flipped my little countdown calendar, and the quote for today was “A temporary binge is NOT an excuse to quit”.  I thought it was perfect.  I did have a rough weekend.  I didn’t eat the best, and I didn’t work out as much as I should have.  But my hard work from all week came through on the scale – and I am THAT much closer to my goal.  I am making a promise to myself that now that I am out of the 220’s – I will never get there again.

57 pounds left to go!!!

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