Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Yesterday SUCKED!!!

Well, mostly anyway.   

Work was horrible!!!  The systems were down.  BOTH of them.  I thought updates were supposed to improve the workflow – not stop it all together…  I got nothing done.  My lunch didn’t work out.  I had packed some left over salad and chicken from the night before.  The lettuce was soggy and the chicken tasted weird.  So I ended up eating some peaches for lunch, and a handful of almonds.  It’s not that those are bad things to eat, it’s just that it’s not as well balanced as I would have like, and have been trying to do.  After work, we had to go to the Layout for Matt’s Aunt.  I was really not looking forward to going.  I had never met anyone on that side of his family.  And this was the very intimate, family only viewing.  It ended up being very short and sweet.  Afterwards, everyone decided to go out to eat at- where else? – Olive Garden.  My FAVORITE!!!! 

I walked in with the best of intentions, but my inner fat girl wore me down.  I actually said out loud “Well, I weighed in today, so if I am going to cheat, today is the day to do it!”  It was like I felt I had to justify what I was ordering to everyone around me.  I had one stuffed mushroom.  I had a salad.  And a bread stick.  I ordered the Seafood Alfredo – but I didn’t even finish half of it.  I made sure that I ate really slow.  I drank a lot of water, and coffee.  Olive Garden has just about the best coffee I’ve ever had.  When I got home and logged my dinner – I still came in under my calorie goal for the day!  Score 1 for the fat kid!!!  I actually got to have what I wanted, just by eating slower, and eating a smaller portion!  So THAT’s how skinny people do it!!!  I’m gonna have to remember this for future reference. 

However – I should have worked out last night, and I didn’t.  I was full.  And tired.  And still sore from the day before.  And I can keep going, but really, who are we kidding here?  I was lazy, and took a skip day.  I did some other things to burn some calories.  I just couldn’t look at Jillian’s face after the day I had.  Which means I have to look at her tonight.  And I have a feeling she’s not going to be so nice. 

The good news is, I had a loss at the weigh in this week!  Most everyone else gained this week, so I was pretty pumped.  And after my fat consuming Olive Garden binge and skip day, there was a 2 oz difference on the scale this morning!  I thought I would have gained a pound , so I was really excited.  If I can keep up this pace, I am on track to exceed my 10 pound per month goal for March!!! 

I can’t be stopped!!!  (Today at least)  J

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