Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Over it!

UGGGHHHHH!!!  I feel like CRAP!  I don’t know what in the hell is wrong with me.  I don’t have the Flu –well, I better not.   I got a damn Flu Shot this year.  It’s not a sinus infection – no cough, congestion, or sinus pain or pressure.  But – I have a migraine from hell, I am running a fever (two days now), I am nauseous, freezing, exhausted.  I am forcing myself to eat.  I have no appetite, but I am eating anyway.  Hopefully I can keep it down today.  Yesterday, I wasn’t able to keep anything down until 9 last night.  And then, all I did was snack, because I didn’t feel like getting up to make myself dinner. 

Jillian is probably going to break up with me.  I have not done the 30DS since last Wednesday.  Thursday was Matt’s Birthday, Friday was Lexi’s surgery, Saturday and Sunday I spent taking care of the dog (this is not an easy task – and most definitely NOT an excuse for not working out).  And yesterday I was sick as a dog.  I literally got home from work, took a shower, and went to bed.  I got up to eat at 9, and went back to bed.  Unless some miracle happens in the next 8 hours, I won’t be doing it today either.  I literally have ZERO energy.  I finally know what the word FATIGUE means.  Thursday, I am supposed to move on to Level 3.  I am going to stick with the schedule.  After I complete the 10 days of Level 3, maybe I will go back to Level 2 for 10 days before I start my new DVD. 

As far as the new higher calorie diet – it’s working.  I am not counting yesterday as I didn’t eat right, workout, or do anything.  But from Thursday to Sunday – I lost 4 pounds in 4 days!  From Sunday to today – The scale says I put on 3 – but being that it’s that time of the month – I am assuming that is water weight.  (It happens every month – 3 pounds in water for 5 days.  Then BOOM – it’s gone.)  Maybe I should really cut down on my sodium during this week every month, and see how that affects it?  I don’t know. 

I do have to tell you about something that really has been encouraging me these last few days…  I don’t know when,  or how this has happened, but I have people coming to me for fitness and nutrition advice now!  I got one email last week, and thought it was a fluke.  Then another, and another.  Apparently, more people than I thought are following me on Fat Girl (here) and on MFP.  So and so “recommended I talk to you”, “your story is such an inspiration”, “when I am having a down day, I check the fat girl blog, and it remotivates me.  It’s nice to know that others are struggling just like me!” I have been answering every email, and thanking each person for every compliment. 

So, fellow Fat Kids… let me just thank you.  You inspire me just as much as I inspire you!  Thank you for your love and support!  I am more than willing to help anyone I can, but  I am NO expert.  I’m just a fat girl on a journey.  I may not have all the answers, but you are more than welcome to come with me.  J 

Hopefully, the next time I am here, I will be healthy, and have an update on how much I hate Jillian.  ‘Til next time fatties…..

Oh - and here is a pic of my broken, pitiful dog.  :(

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