Monday, March 12, 2012

Staying Faithful

It’s been a while since I have posted here, but I have been a busy girl, for sure.  In fact, the only area where I have been slacking is here at The Fat Girl.  Now it’s time to play catch up, and bring you guys up to speed on what, and how, I have been doing.  The last time I posted was last Tuesday, so we will start where we left off. 

Wednesday and Thursday of last week, we had our annual All Staff meeting for work.  It’s off-site, and they provided all the food, drinks, and snacks you could eat.  Luckily for me, they did have *some* healthy choices.  On the table full of bagels, and doughnuts, and pastries galore, they DID have a bowl about the size of my coffee cup full of fruit.  Pineapple, strawberries and cantaloupe it is.  I stayed away from the chips, and fun sized candy bars and opted for the granola bars instead.  I stayed away from all the free soft drinks, and kept drinking my bottled water.  For lunch, I stayed away from the pastas, breads and desserts, and stuck with just the lunch meat, veggies, chicken and salad.  It was extremely difficult to not inhale the two packs of M&Ms that stared me down for two whole days – but I did it.  I had to ask myself several times “what do I want more”, and when I do that, the answer is easy, and the craving fades.  It is difficult every day.  It is a struggle every day.  But I am holding strong.  EVERY DAY. 

Wednesday night after the meeting – our friends Brian and Laura came to our house for dinner.  We had steaks, baked potatoes, salad, and sautéed mushrooms and onions.  I did really well.  I did come in a few grams over my fat goal for the day (damn delicious ribeye!!), but I was still under on my calories.  If I had been able to work out on Wednesday, I would have ended up perfect.  However, Wednesday is the ONLY day I missed working out last week, which I am extremely proud of.  Matt only had to threaten to beat me once.   ;)  The other days – I was actually excited to work out.  In fact, on Saturday,  I was already done working out by the time the kids got home at 9:00 am!

As far as food goes – every single day MFP tells me that I am not consuming enough calories.  I am really having trouble eating everything I am supposed to, and I think that may be the reason the weight is not coming off as fast as I would like it to.  I am not quite sure how to get that calorie count up without going over in some other category.  I am going to have to just keep playing around with my diet until I find what works for me.  I did have to go and recalculate my goals on MFP with my new, lower weight.  The numbers changed a bit, but nothing too drastic.  I am still losing though!  This week was not as impressive of a loss as last week was, but it was a loss none the less.  AND, I lost my two pounds – which is my "per week" goal anyway. 

As far as the workouts go – I have decided to stay on level 1 a bit longer.  There are still areas that I struggle with completing.  I still get winded, and my arms still feel like they are going to fall off during the squat presses.  I am doing the full squats, and completing the full minute without stopping, but, it is definitely a challenge.  I have been able to keep up with Natalie (the harder one to follow) on *most* of the exercises.  And on the dumbbell rows, static lunge with a bicep curl, and the chest flys – I moved up to 5 pound weights, because those seemed like they were getting too easy.  So I have once again tweeked my program.  I plan on staying on level 1 for another week.  Next Monday, the 19th, will be 20 days until Easter.  That will be my first day of level 2.  As of now, the plan is to complete 20 days of level 1, 10 days of level 2, and 10 days of level 3.  And that will take me right up to Easter Sunday. 

As good as my week was, I did have a bit of a breakdown yesterday.  I was getting ready for church, and I couldn’t find anything to wear.  Most of my clothes are so old.  The only pair of jeans that fit anymore are my “Skinny” jeans.  I only have a few tops that I feel comfortable in.  I started freaking out because I think I have worn the same outfit to church for the last three weeks.  It is an absolutely horrible feeling to have so many clothes in your closet, and still have nothing to wear.  I am I tired of black.  I am tired of baggy jeans, and sweatshirts, and sweaters that fit 60 pounds ago.  I was SO frustrated, I was almost in tears.  I finally threw on my jean skirt, and the same damn sweater I have worn every week.  A few things went through  my mind.  Number one – this is just one more reason to keep going.  To be able to reach into my closet, and pick out anything, and know that it fits, and I can feel comfortable in it.  Number two – who cares what anyone else thinks of me.  So what if I wore the same sweater last week?  At least I showed up.  So as soon as I got home – I got my workout gear on, and went to work.  It WILL  happen for me someday.  And today, I am just another day closer. 

Feeling pretty good today…  J


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