Yesterday was a HUGE day for me. During our weekly weigh in for the Biggest Loser competition for work I got some great news! I lost more than anyone else, and by a lot. I lost 6.8 pounds since last Monday, and the person who came in second for the week lost …… 0.8 pounds! I smoked the other girls by 6 WHOLE pounds! No one even came close!!! As if that were not exciting enough – Matt and I got into a conversation last night about how far I had come since my heaviest weight. I had never really thought about it THAT way – I just always thought about my weight since starting my actual diet. If I start at the beginning – way back in the spring of 2008 – I have lost 58 pounds! With only 57 more pounds left to lose, I have officially LOST more than I still have left to lose! 58 down, 57 left to go!!!
I was so excited when I realized this, I put it on Facebook, and the feedback and support that I received was amazing! Matt kept saying that he could not imagine me at that weight (275). We had seen the side by sides of my Driver’s license just last week, and the difference in my face was amazing in itself. But to get the whole picture, I needed a whole body shot. I had to do some digging, and I finally found what I was looking for. There was a picture that was taken of me several years ago that got me started losing weight in the first place. When this particular picture was posted on MySpace (told you it was a long time ago…) I was so embarrassed. I actually asked my friend to remove the picture from her page. I didn’t want anyone to see it. This picture is what did it for me. I showed Matt the picture. The only word that came out of his mouth was “DAMN”. My sentiments exactly.
The “before” and “half-way” pictures are at the bottom of this post. I really don’t have a recent picture of myself, so I just used the one from December. It’s the most recent pic I have, but at least it will give you an idea of just how far I have come. And looking at these two side by side really inspires me to just keep going. I wonder what I will look like when I finally get to where I want to be? The only way to find out is to keep on trucking!!!
Which is exactly what I did. I had Matt go pick up the kids without me, and used the time to myself to get my workout in. Yesterday was Day 8 with Jillian. I am going to finish out the week with Level 1, and then on Saturday, it’s time to take it to Level 2!!! I can feel myself getting stronger every day. I may not be doing full form pushups, but I am doing pushups on my knees. And I may be slower than the girls on the video, but I can do pushups the whole 30 seconds without taking a break! I do have to give some of that credit to the PUC I am still doing! I still feel like my arms are going to fall off during the squat press and the side lunge with the anterior raises – but I think I may have to move up to the 5 pound weights for the dumbbell rows and Chest Fly exercises. I need a bit more of a challenge on those! Then, I heard a song on the radio this morning. My reaction surprised me for the VERY first time in my life. I immediately thought, “this would be a great song to do jumping jacks to!” Not I could dance to this, or I love the beat. I wanted to exercise to a song! That still seems crazy to me. So does having two servings of dinner, and desert, and still coming in under my calorie goal for the day! But – that IS what happened last night!
Today is a new day! 33 more days left in the 40 Day Shred. 33 more chances to get farther away from that fat girl in the pink below, and farther away from the slightly less fat girl in black. J

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