Tuesday, March 20, 2012

What a difference a day makes!

I am amazed at the difference in mood between yesterday and today.  I have to thank Matt for bringing me back up.  He truly is my rock, and my number one supporter.  I really am the luckiest girl in the world.  Poor guy.  He called me in the middle of the day yesterday, and I broke down  - literally sobbing so hard he was having trouble understanding me.  I was ready to give up.  I wanted to quit.  I couldn’t see the results, and I can’t see myself as that skinny person, because I’ve never been that person.  He talked me off the ledge.  He told me not to give up, that he was seeing results that I couldn’t see myself.  He told me little things he had noticed, but hadn’t mentioned until yesterday.  He told me how proud he was of me, and how he can see such a difference in my mood when I am working out, and when I’m not. 

It was enough.  I went home, and hit Day 1, Level 2 of the 30DS.  That woman is insane.  I really felt like there wasn't a whole lot of explanation on anything like there was in L1. It was just like "alright, we're gonna go straight into a pendulum lunge with a hammer curl. Ready? go!" And I am standing in the middle of my living room sweating like a horse, wondering what language she was just speaking. No seriously, what that Chinese or something? WTF is a pendulum lunge? Or a hammer curl? And how do I do them both at the same time? So I would watch the first couple of reps - ease my way into it, and by the second circuit – I was still struggling.  I was sweating and I thought my heart was going to explode.  But I didn’t quit.  I finished it the best way that I was physically capable of. 

We had dinner at his parent’s house last night – but I brought my own dinner.  They pigged out on hamburgers and hot dogs, and I had baked chicken, fresh green beans, and fresh asparagus.  And I had enough to have BBQ pork rinds (the miracle snack) and this Jello Strawberry Cheescake thingy – and still came in under my calorie goal!!!  Woot WOOT!!!

Then today – I got to post a NSV on MFP.com.  A NSV is a Non Scale Victory.  I’ve had a few small ones – but todays was BIG for me, so I thought I would share it with you guys.   I have been noticing more and more lately that none of my clothes are fitting properly.  It has been really discouraging and depressing.  This morning was no different.  I could not find anything to wear.  As I was trying to pick out some clothes for work, I pulled out a shirt that I wore on Easter last year.  I remember a picture that was taken of me on Easter with Dana –Matt’s sister. She is tall, and blonde, and skinny, and beautiful.  I, on the other hand, looked as if I was 8 months pregnant. The shirt would barely close, the buttons were pulling, I had spanx and a tank on underneath it. AND I STILL LOOKED 8 MONTHS PREGNANT! Disgusting.

Today – the shirt is a bit big.  But that’s not even the NSV.  I just took a short walk outside on my afternoon break at work.  As I was heading back into the building, I caught a reflection of myself in the glass door.  I saw a waistline!  I have just a touch of an hourglass shape now!  I don’t know if it’s the shirt, or the reflection… but as soon as the elevator doors closed, I gave a little squeal of excitement to go along with my happy dance!  I don't think I have ever smiled at my reflection! Super Duper NSV for me today!!!

Hell effing YEAH!!!

Like I said.  What a difference a day makes!

See you soon Fatties!!!

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely LOVE this update! I'm so proud of you! Keep up the good work.
