Wednesday, March 17, 2010

St. Patty's Day

Well, Dana came over and worked out with me last night. After she left and Matt got home, we sat down and had a long talk, because I told him I had created this blog. He wanted to know why I felt I needed to share every detail of this journey you you guys. Once I explained that you all were my support system, and read to him what I had written... He was amazing. He went on a walk with me and Harley and played with us in the yard. He helped me clean all the junk food out of the house, (by eating most of it... LOL)and said that starting today, he was going to go on a diet too. He said that way it would be easier on both of us, and would be less tempting for me if there was only healthy food in the house. We also decided that would be the best way to set an example for the kids. So now I have another person to take this feat on with me. :O)

So, I had 1 serving of tuna salad for dinner last night, with one tbsp of lite miracle whip, and one tbsp of relish on whole wheat toast, one slice of low fat cheese, and 1 serving of baked corn chips and salsa. All together, the whole meal was only 12 grams of fat! Yay!

Today however, sucks. I didn't get to go to the store last night, so I didn't have anything to bring in to eat today. I am tired, so I am drinking coffee, but instead of sugar, I am using sweet and low. It's gross. I am hungry, and some asshole here at work thought it would be a cute idea to bring in little green and white decorated cupcakes. I did good though. I just stared at them for a few minutes (okay, maybe 30 seconds), contemplated the consequences, and walked away. Then Kelly, the girl I sit next to, prances in here with French Toast sticks from Burger King. She took one look at me, and was like, "OMG! I am SOOO Sorry. I will go eat in the kitchen". THAT was actually kinda funny. I am going to have to go to Kroger's on my lunch and get some fruit and veggies and good stuff to munch on during the day.

As for my workout - I move to the next DVD tonight. It's the 20 minute one, which Dana and I watched (we tried to participate, but that only lasted about 2.5 minutes) last night. Honestly, kinda scared. But I am going to try it, and if it is too much, I will just go back and do the learn and burn again. The instructions say I can stay with that one until I feel comfortable, but I am going to try to push myself.

Oh, and no green beer for this girl this year. :O( That sucks - cause I am Irish. And I like beer. Boo.

Now, for the before picture. For now, I am just going to have to post a recent picture of me that I hate, because Matt can't find the power cord for our camera, and it's dead. Now I just gotta figure out how to post the picture. ;o)

Loves yas.

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