Friday, March 26, 2010

Who woulda thunk it?

So here is my last little entry for the week. I love these DVDs the more and more I do these workouts. They really are fun. Once you get past the feeling silly part. :O) I have actually caught myself a few times like "oooooh! I like the part thats coming up!" I know. I am a nerd. But i'm a cool nerd right?

For those of you who saw my FB post last night, I wasn't kidding. That really did hurt. The 20 minute thing was fine, but THOSE ABS!!! OH. MY. GOD. Chalene Johnson (the creator of Turbo) is like Hitler for your abs. I think she is trying to kill me. So, like I said last night, if I am not in the best shape of my life at the end of this... That skinny little barbie is going down.

Tonight, I only have to do the 20 min workout, and then off for the weekend. Next Monday is weigh in day again, and I am actually looking forward to getting on the scale, and see if this is paying off. I never thought I would say that in my whole life. So something in my head must already be clicking. :O)

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