Monday, March 29, 2010


Honestly ladies, this is going to be short. I did not have to work out this weekend after I finished my 20 minutes on Friday. I ate good all weekend. I have not weighed in yet today. I am not sure if I will be able to workout tonight. My back has been bothering me since Saturday - and I am not sure if I pulled something, or if this is another stone. At first, I thought I had just pulled something, because it did not feel like my stones had before. But now, the pain has moved from the center of my back to my lower right side. I am peeing more often, and even though I am drinking the right amount of water, my urine is still discolored, so I am starting to think it's blood. I am at work today with pain medicine for my back, a percocet just in case, and a heating pad. Not sure how long I will last.

So, it's 11:28. I took the percocet about an hour ago, and it's not working. The pain is completely in my lower back on the right side. Hello kidney stone. I feel like I am giving birth. I hate my body.

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