Wednesday, March 24, 2010

That's - That's shocking!

I was so proud of myself when I got home. I had a horrible day, and all I wanted to do was go home and sleep until the kids got there. But I made myself do it. I worked out when I got off of work. And not just my regular workout. It was the first night for two videos. 20 Minute Turbo Jam, and AB Jam. The Turbo is getting better. I can keep up and I actually have fun doing it. Ab jam kicked my abs. OH MY HOLY HELL. I have never seen some of the stuff those people are able to do with their abs. It's 20 minutes long, and after about 3 minutes, I was starting to think, are we almost done? I really struggled with that. But I am just starting so I am sure it will get better and easier. I know it worked though, because my abs hurt if I cough or sneeze. :O) Tonight, I move to the 45 minute Cardio Party. It sounds like fun, but I think it's gonna hurt. Then back to 20 Min/AB Jam tomorrow. What I love about working out is the energy that I gain from it. I was so tired when I got home, and after jumping around and punching and kicking for 40 minutes, I was ready to go.

When I got done last night I went to the grocery. I made a shopping list before I went for all of the things I wanted to get so I would stay focused while I was there. I bought all kinds of good foods. Fresh fruits and veggies. Whole grain breads, rice and pasta. Low fat and no fat cheeses and milk. I bought lots of proteins to pack for lunches at work - like tuna and chicken. I think that's why I have been getting so tired. I have not been eating the right things at the right time. I need that protein to boost me in the middle of the day.

Last night for dinner, Matt had Pizza, and bugels. I had a Chicken salad sandwich (using the recipe in my Turbo Jam book), pretzels, and a thing of string cheese with yogurt for dessert. It was yummy. And just the right amount. I wasn't stuffed, but I wasn't hungry either. :O)

I like the way this is going. I really think I can keep this up. :O)

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