Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Check, check, 1?

Today is the first time to check in on my stats and see if I am improving at all. It's not much... but it's an improvement!

Weight: 224.2


Height: 5'10

Chest: 46.5


Waist: 46.0


Hips: 49.0


Thighs: 25.5


Arms: 13.0

So... I lost 2.8 lbs. I stayed the same height. I lost in 1.5 inches around my boobs. Let me tell ya, not really happy about that one. I lost 2.5 inches around my waist. I lost 1.0 inch on my hips, and a 1/2 inch around each of my thighs. My arms stayed the same. So in 10 days, I lost 2.8 lbs and 5.5 inches total. It's not as much as I would like, but, I am happy none the less. I am headed towards where I want to go. I did just notice that this measurement tracker card that comes with Turbo Jam says I should have done this on workout 10, not day 10. Sooo... maybe it will change some more!

Last night was hard. Matt's birthday dinner: Salad, good. Spaghetti bake, bad. Pizza, bad. Wings, bad. Seared Chicken, okay, but still not great. Oh, and don't forget the cake and icecream. I had a very small portion of everything, but got lots of salad. I skipped the cake and ice cream. Dana did catch me getting one tiny little bite of cake, and yelled at me. Thank you Dana. That is what I asked for, and what I needed.

The thing is, I am starting to get worried. I have been on this for 10 days, and I have had salad almost every day. I have been eating fruits and veggies every day - and all of these things are supposed to be good for you. But I have kidney issues. And guess what all of my stones are made of? Enzymes that are found in Leafy green veggies, like... Hmmmm. Salad. And celery. And Carrots. And broccoli. And most fucking veggies. And I can't eat weight watcher meals because of the sodium levels. Sodium makes the other half of my stones. I don't want to start forming stones. I need ideas of good things to make and eat. Any advice ladies? I guess I am going to have to start drinking those slim-fast shakes for breakfast and lunch, and find something else for dinner.

K. That's all for now. :O)

Oh, and thanks again for all the support. You don't know how nice it is to be having a bad day, or to be wanting to eat something, and jump on here or on FB and find a comment or an email from one of you. It really does help me focus and stay on track. I love me girls. MUAH!

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