Friday, March 19, 2010

One of those Days

Yay! I made it through the first week! Well, of work-outs at least. I finished my last one last night. It was the 20 minute one again, and it was easier this time, which is exciting. I actually really like these videos, until Matt walks in and watches me doing it, and I don't see him standing there until 5 minutes later. Then I get embarrassed.

It's Friday, and I am really proud of myself. I have not had anything but water or juice all week. I have not touched one thing of junk food. And since it is Friday, that means breakfast meeting at work. It's crazy here - 9 million doughnuts, sausage and gravy from Bob Evans, bacon, eggs, biscuts... you name it. AND I brought breakfast for myself. Some Cheerio's with skim milk and a banana. :O)

It's gonna be a good day, Tater.

Okay - so maybe not a good day. I need to stop posting so early. By 8:30 I was in tears. By 9:15 - scared for my job. I am on my period, I don't feel good, I am sad today, and I just want to go back to bed.

Maybe it's just hormones and my body getting used to this new regimen I have put it through this week. I took a few midol, and I am better now. Not 100%, but better. LOL. Thanks for the post Dana, it helps more than you know that you are always SOOOO there for me. Love you.

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