Monday, March 22, 2010


Monday again. Boo. This weekend was hard, because we ate out all weekend for Matt's birthday - but I stayed within what my book said I could eat, and I watched my portions and drank water and took my own snacks to the dance competition... I wish I could have took something heavier though. I can't really crack Donna in the head with a bunch of grapes. More on that in a minute.

So Friday night, I took Matt out to dinner for his birthday. Olive Garden it is. Again, I was good. :O) Afterward, we decided to get a little crazy and head out to the Super Walmart. I know. Most people can't handle that place on a Friday night, but we were in a partying mood. :O) While there, I bought a scale to have at the house. It's one of those real fancy ones. It tells you not only your weight, but your body fat%, your muscle mass, your BMI, and your hydration level. That was good news, and bad news. Turns out, I am actually about 20 lbs lighter than I thought. I weigh 224.2. :O) Or we could just pretend I lost 20 lbs in a week. Yeah. Lets go with that. My muscle mass was about 64.8 lbs, my body fat % was about 40.8%, my BMI was 31, and my hydration level was at 43.2%. So I was over in all the categories related to FAT, and under where I should be for my muscle mass and water levels. Regardless, I am happy. I am happy that I got the scale, happy I weigh less than I thought I did, and happy I have another tool to help me get healthier. :O)

On Saturday, we walked a lot because we went shopping all day. The flea market, the mall, etc. And then out for dinner and drinks (I did drink a bit, but considering... I think I did pretty good). And home and in bed by 12:30. Yay!

Now. As for Sunday. NOT A GOOD DAY. I did fine with my diet, but I wanted to go rob a chocolate and Dorito's store at a few points during the day. Madie had a dance competition in Dayton. Which means spending all day with Madie's mom. First of all, I always hate going to these things because I feel out of place. I am not the aunt, or the grandma, or the great grandma, and I am certainly not her mother. So at one point during the day - we couldn't find her. We thought she was with her mom. One of the other mother's said she was with her dad. Another mother said she told them she was going to sit with me and her grandma. Matt and I were frantic. We were running up and down the halls, and can't find her. Finally we did after about a 10 minute heart attack. She was with her dance teacher. So Matt and I tried to talk to her and tell her that she can't run off without telling someone where she is. She kept cutting me off trying to explain herself, but I finally said, honey, I don't care. You can go hang out with your friends, you just need to let one of us know where you are. So then Donna walks up, and Madie, the little actress that she is, turns on the tears, like right now. Donna asks her why she is crying, and her response is because Becky was yelling at me. Donna starts shooting me dirty looks and I just walked off.

So that sets off a whole other chain of event's. Apparently Donna told Madie she did not have to listen to me, so Madie started giving me dirty looks, and rolling her eyes, and basically just acting like her mother. Then Donna's Grandma goes off on Matt, telling him that I don't have any right to speak to Madison like that because I am not her mother. So Matt and Granny Grunt got into it, and that upset me, because he has always said nothing but nice things about that woman, and he had to argue with her to stick up for me. It just ruined the whole damn day, and I am to the point I don't even want to go to another damn competition.

But the good part is, those bitches did not drive me to eat, which they usually do.

I am actually glad it's Monday for once. I am back to working out tonight, either before or after Matt's birthday dinner. I am still not sure how I am going to pull that off quite yet. But I will get it done. And my first weigh in and re-measure is tomorrow. I will be interested to see if I have lost any inches...

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