Thursday, March 25, 2010

It's Turbo Alright....


I am not a fan of the 45 minute Cardio routine I had to do last night. Yet. It is very high paced (Hence why this is the cardio one). They throw these new moves at you in each video, and just jump right into it like I am a mind reader and know what's about to happen. Then I get all confused, and sometimes just end up standing there staring at the TV trying to figure out how to mimic what they are doing. Then, by the time, I have caught up, they have moved on to something else. And I can't seem to do anything starting with my left hand or foot.

But I did it. I did the whole thing. Then I made Matt and the kids dinner and cleaned up while my dinner cooked. I had 1 portion of baked chicken, whole grain rice, and peaches. It was super yummy. And, since Matt and the kids don't eat baked chicken, I have a bunch left over for lunches and dinners this week. Like today. For lunch, I brought in a 6 in whole grain tortilla, romaine lettuce, some of the chicken, and light Caesar dressing. I'm excited for lunch. :O)

I actually drank all of the water I was supposed to yesterday too! I drank about 84oz. Holy hell. I was peeing like, every 20 minutes on the dot. This water thing is good, because I know it cleanses your system, and promotes good health, and allows your muscles and digestive system to do their jobs correctly, but it's hard. I usually drink a lot of water anyway, but actually keeping track was the hard part. I don't think I have been drinking nearly enough in the past. You are supposed to drink between 6 and 8 12 ounce glasses of water a day. And it should be ice cold, because it takes more calories to warm the water up to the temp your body needs to use it. So I keep 5 20oz bottles in the fridge here at work. I try to drink as much as I can during the day. And then, whatever I drink at night - working out, dinner, etc. - is extra. Yay me!

Tonight, I am back to the 20 min/ab jam workouts. Which is scary, because my abs still hurt from Tuesday. LOL. It's all gonna be worth it and pay off in the end. Oh, and I have adjusted my goal weight since I found out I was about 20 lbs less than I thought. New goal is 150. Which means I have to lose more, but I already have a jump start on it. I am at 218 as of this morning, so that means 68 pounds to go. I CAN do this. :O)

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