Thursday, March 18, 2010

Morning Ladies.....

So I don't know how long I will be able to keep up with this posting every day, but I am sure trying!

Yesterday was good. I took a walk and got a healthy lunch, and went I got off, I FOUGHT the temptation to drop all of my good intentions and head to the COV. I went home, and stalled working out by talking to Matt for a few. The new DVD scared me. But I finally just said, no, I am gonna go at least give it a try. The last seven minutes were really hard, and I had trouble keeping up and getting the moves down. And I actually rewound the DVD, and did the last 7 minutes a second time. :O) It was hard, but it was not as bad as I had worked it up to be in my mind.

Then I went down to the pool hall and painted on the mural I am working on. It's really coming together. Matt was nice enough to come with me and help me out. Then we went to the store. We bought all kinds of fruits and veggies, and he even did really good. He only bought 1 bad thing. That man CANNOT turn down a bag-O-Bugels. We had cereal for dinner last night, just cause it was so late. But at least it was a serving of Cheerios with no sugar and a banana instead of a half a bag of doritos and a oven pizza like we usually do. And Matt kept me in check. I was still hungry, and wanted seconds, but he told me to wait 15 minutes and see if I was still hungry. He was right. I didn't need the seconds. :O)

I am really sore this morning. I have been the last few days, but today is bad. And mostly it's in my lower back. My body is just NOT used to moving the way I am making it move. So luckily, I have one more workout tonight (the same one from last night), and then I get three days off!

More later, I am sure.

And it's later. I wrote on FB that I feel like the Easter Bunny. I come into work this morning passing out chocolate treats - and I am hungry and eating carrots. Oh, and salad planned for lunch. I have almost said that I was starving several times today - but I am going to try to stop saying that. Because the truth is, if I was starving, I would not be complaining about being fat. Fat girls are hungry. Not starving.

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