Monday, April 19, 2010

Wayyyyyy behind.

Okay Ladies. I need you guys to virtually kick my ass into gear here please.

I am behind. Way behind. I have not been able to work out for pretty much the last two weeks because of either my Kidney Stone, or my back. I don't want to lose focus. I was really bad this weekend. I drank entirely too much - starting on Wednesday. I tried to be good Sat night with Dana, and order nachos - but then we got the loaded nacho's. I know it's not the worst thing in the world, but I certainly did not make a smart choice there. I am getting bored with the foods I have. To be honest, I am scared to work out because of my back. I am just now starting to feel better, but I am still taking Doans, and a muscle relaxer. I just don't know about jumping back into Turbo Jam. I have not kept my food diary in a week. I am losing focus.

I got on the scale this morning, and I have put 4.2 lbs BACK ON. I am back up to 214.2. Now, that is still below what my goal was for last month (214.4), but if I can't get back on track soon, I am going to lose a lot of the hard work that I have already put in. The pants that I bought a few weeks ago are loose, but my fat jeans that started all this mess still don't fit right. They just seem to damn tight. Ugh.

I felt really good about the way I looked Saturday night when Dana and I went out, but once I saw the pictures we took, to me, it looks like nothing has changed. And I am taking the "before" picture tonight. Maybe If I have to look at my fat self in a sports bra and shorts everyday, it will remind me of what I don't want to be.

Also, you ladies may be seeing a new name pop up on here now and then. I have invited my cousin Lori to be a part of this and kick my ass. Lori lives in Memphis, TN. She has her own AMAZING story. This strong, beautiful woman over came a lot of obstacles, and is a great inspiration to me, and what I am trying to do. This woman LOST 130 POUNDS!!! And did it the right way, with diet and exercise. So welcome her, and Lori, don't be afraid to yell at me. My girls will back YOU up, as I have asked everyone here to team up on me, and put me in check when I need it. :O)

Soooo... It's about 2:30. I have had an upset stomach all morning - I mean painful. I have been scared to eat, and not because of the weight, but because I was afraid of making it hurt worse. So then, I started thinking. I wonder if these are hunger pains? I really hadn't eaten since yesterday afternoon, so I made myself go get something to eat. Spaghettio's (Carbs, yes, I know.), Yogurt for protein (Thank you Krista and Lori), and I bought a can of almonds to keep here at work for a snack... For later today, or the rest of the week. I am going to walk Harley tonight, instead of Turbo, since I am still worried about my back. If I can go 3 days with no pain, then I will start Turbo and weight lifting again. Anyway, after my walk, I am going to stain my hot tub, and then go to the grocery. I need to re-stock all my good for you foods. And Lori and Krista, thank you so much for all the helpful ideas on the foods. :O)

Now, I just hope my tummy feels better once this food is digested.

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