Friday, April 9, 2010


I am starting to slip ladies. I skipped working out last night cause I was sooo tired. Now I am two days behind this week.

And I had Taco Bell for dinner. The good news there is, they have that new diet menu, and the burrito I got was only 160 calories and 5g of fat! And it tasted good!

Yeah, I'm boring today. That's all for now.

So, I was tired this morning. I slept in, and did not have time to pack anything for breakfast, or lunch for that matter. I ended up skipping breakfast (I know, not good), and had carrots and ranch for lunch. I cannot believe how much fat there is is such a small amount of food! 2 Tbsp of Ranch is 14g of fat! Luckily, I am allowed 42g of fat a day (I have never reached that 42 since I started this though).

And, on top of it, the carrots were not very filling, so I think I am going to eat a granola bar here in a minute. Just gotta drink my water, and wait 5 minutes and see if I am still hungry.

I need to save some calories for alcohol tonight. I think Matt and I are going to go down to Monty's to wish Ash a happy b-day. But, he just got sent somewhere for work, and he is mad now. I guess it will depend on what time he gets home. Hell, I might just make the trip solo.

Guess we will find out tomorrow... Loves yas!

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