Thursday, April 8, 2010

It hurts.

So last night, I was supposed to do Turbo Sculpt, and AB Jam. Now - as you all are well aware, I am not a fan of the Ab Jam - because it hurts. I was actually looking forward to the Sculpting one - until it started. OH. MY. GOD. That was the hardest workout so far. I was so frustrated that I couldn't keep up (and everything was very slow paced) that I finally put the weights down. And even after that, I almost quit. After that 40 minutes of hell, I was honestly too sore to even think about doing that Ab workout. I was taking Excedrine back and body within an hour. I was so sore when I finally laid down last night. Every part of my body just hurt. Now, I know that it is going to get easier. I know that. But damn. I am not looking forward to doing that again. I know that I am going to Walmart tonight, and buying the 3 lb weights instead of the 5lb ones I have now. That was just too much.

And then, I worked all night. I was doing spring cleaning. Matt got called into work, so I was on my own. I cleaned until midnight last night. No sitting around watching TV for this chick. I kept busy from 6:00am until Midnight. I was so sore when I laid down. I just ached everywhere. I is tired today.

Tonight is just the 20 min workout - so I should be okay. But who knows. We will see.

I had a nutrigrain bar for Breakfast, and rice for lunch. I have already had half of the water I am supposed to have for the day - and i'm peeing like every 15 minutes.

OH! and my friend Kelly from work gave me a book. It is from the biggest loser diet, it was her mom's or something. Anyway - it's like a food diary. I have been doing it since Monday. You log how you are feeling that day, your goals, achievements and frustrations, exercise plans and of course all of your food. It records your fat calories and carbs. Mama likes.

PS - I changed the layout of the blog. I decided I need to move away from having black EVERYWHERE. Black is a dark color. I have been in the dark for a while now, and I am trying to move away from dark and depressing things - so I thought for spring, I would throw a little green in there. And I like the maps at the top. It reminds me of not only the path that I am on, and trying to stay focused... But the lake. They look like old-school nautical maps. :O)

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