Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Looking up.....


Deep breaths. Today is the best I have felt in a week. Yesterday was a roller coaster of emotions. I was so confused and upset by the time I got home from work, I am surprised I was able to get dinner ready for the kids. But it ended up great. I had a wonderful conversation with Matt last night. I finally told him all of the things that have been on my mind. I finally just let go and and opened up. It felt really good to be able to talk. This was yet another goal I had set for myself and yet another goal I have accomplished. Check.

The last few days on here, I have really just been venting my frustrations. I think that I have just been holding so much back, from everyone, for so long, that it has just all come to a head recently. But now, I feel like a load has been taken off my chest. So off with the drama, and on with the weight loss. :O)

I did work out Monday night, but not last night. There was just too much going on. But I did get on the scale last night, and I lost the 2 lbs back. Yay! When I first started doing the research on dieting, and exercising, and eating right, they said to set short term goals so it does not seem like you are soooo far away from your final goal. So, I have a goal each month - to lose 10 lbs. I started on March 14th, so I still have a week to lose another pound. :O)

I am going to change my workout routine - somewhat. Now that it is nicer out, I am finding it hard to stay inside, especially since I was cooped up all last week. So I am going to finish the rest of my Turbo Jam. The calendar is for a month. That means I have 9 workouts left (since I skipped last week). Then, I am going to start walking - every night - with my dog. Harley needs the exercise too. Then a few times a week, I am going to continue doing Ab Jam and Turbo Sculpt. If the weather is bad or whatever, then I will do the Turbo Jam Cardio Party. I have not done my full weigh in in a while. I wanted to do that every week, but I missed last week. At this point, I think I am just going to wait until next Wednesday (the 14th). That way, it will be my 1 month weigh in.

I had a Nutrigrain bar for breakfast, and I am having Spaghettio's (only 1g of fat and 180 calories per serving!) for lunch with carrots and pretzels.

Guess that's all for now!

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