Monday, April 12, 2010

Anyone there?

So Wednesday is the big 1 month weigh in. I am kinda nervous to see if I have hit my one month goals. I am really hoping that I do, so that I am encouraged to continue on this journey. I did measure myself on Saturday, and was happy so far, but I am concerned. I only worked out two days last week. I did try to work out on Saturday, but ended up giving up halfway through because the kids kept needing me. I did take the kids and Harley on a one mile walk that day though. I worked hard all day yesterday outside, but didn't work out. While working outside, I did something to my back. I don't know what, or when, but I know by 7:00 last night, I was hurting bad, and by 10, I was almost crippled. I got out of bed at 2:00am with Nate, and was unable to get back in bed. I literally crawled on my hands and knees, in tears, to my living room, where I fell asleep in my lazy boy about 4:00 am. I don't know how long this is going to last, but I know if I am having trouble walking, working out is probably not the best idea.

So I am getting discouraged. I just hope that I don't gain what I have already lost back. I wanted to lose 10lbs by the 14th, so as of this morning, I have 2 days to lose a half of a pound. I know it doesn't sound like a whole lot, but I really need to lose that half of a pound to prove to myself that even with stress, and emotional roller coaster rides, and work, and family and life, I CAN do this. I need to prove to myself that I can set goals and reach them or this is not going to work.

Friday night did not start off good. Matt and I were going to go to Montgomery Inn for dinner, and then to see Ashley for her birthday. I took longer than usual to get ready. I could not find anything to wear. I hated my hair. It looked to damn frizzy. I got some sun last week, so my makeup looked white. I could not find ANYTHING that fit, that looked good, that I felt comfortable in. Matt insisted that we stop somewhere along the way so that I could buy a new outfit. I guess he just doesn't understand that the day you are feeling fat is NOT the day to go shopping. But, I eventually got over it, and we had a great time.

Saturday was good, a lot of hard work, and a great bonfire. Yesterday, I passed up Milton's Doughnuts, and went for cereal instead. I actually ate well all weekend. Yes, even at Montgomery Inn. Today, I had a granola bar for breakfast (it's what I had here) and a tuna kit for lunch. Not sure what's on the menu tonight, but I have been REALLY good about my diet at home, so I should be okay. I guess I am just worried about not being able to work off what I am supposed to each day...

I know you guys don't post or respond on here a lot, but I could really use some encouragement today. Today is one of my down days

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