Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Another Day

I am not really in the mood to do this today - I have to many other things on my mind. However, here is a quick update. I took Lori and Krista's advice and bought lots of yummmy foods at the store last night. I did not get to take Harley for a walk. I worked my little butt off last night trying to get everything else done. I started my food diary again yesterday, and have kept up with it today.

Cereal bar for breakfast (within 30 minutes of waking up, Thank You Lori).
Apple and peanut butter for mid morning snack.
Tuna kit for lunch with a piece of string cheese.
And a granola bar for a mid afternoon snack (but I haven't eaten that yet...)

Tonight is going to be busy. I have changed my plans like, 4 times. But Madie has her school play tonight, and we get the kids after. Then homework, bathtime, bedtime, and finally some relax time for Matt and I. And I need it after the day I have had. So, knowing all of this, I took a mile walk on my lunch today. I needed to de-stress anyway.

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