Friday, April 5, 2013

Weigh-in Day!!!

I know its late, but it's been a crazy-busy week.  Normally, I write my posts while I'm at work sitting on hold with yet another person that doesn't want to do their job.  That is another post for another day though.  Monday, I started my April Challenge - and I'm going strong.  I missed one day - but made up for it by doing one workout in the morning, and a second one in the evening at work.  I have not had the chance to walk the stairs everyday either - like I said - I've been REALLY busy at work.  But, i'm still trying to get something in.  Last night for instance, Madie had soccer practice.  I did my quick April challenge while she ate dinner, then walked for 70 minutes last night while she practiced.  I had a terriyaki chicken stir-fry for dinner last night - which while healthy has a pretty good dose of sodium, and that's reflecting on the scale this morning. I'm gonna be drinking water like a crazy person today!

Wednesday was my weigh in.  I officially broke the 220 mark, coming in at 219.6.  I lost another 3.25 inches, including a full inch and a half around my hips!  But the biggest thing that I was excited about this weigh-in was my percentage of body fat.  For the first time in over a decade, that number was under 40% - 39.1% to be exact!  In one week, one weigh-in, I crossed two major milestones in this journey - and I'm pretty proud of that. 

I am also already making plans for next month.  My Heather is doing Insanity again.  She did one round last year and had some amazing results.  She's on Day 5 right now - and I'm obsessed.  I can't wait to hear about what she had to do that day.  I know that the workouts are super intense, and are much more of a time commitment than I am used to - but I'm going to do it.  I found a set on Craigslist yesterday for 20 bucks - still in the package.  I downloaded the fitness test yesterday, and I am going to do those on Sundays - since Sunday is my "off" day from the April Challenge.  I think it will be a good weigh to acclimate me to what Insanity is - and will help me gauge if what I am currently doing is actually having any affect on my strength, endurance, etc.  This way, I have a whole month to mentaly prepare for this - for the longer workouts and the higher intensity.  And apparently, Shawn T is a crazy person!!! 
Of course, I'm all excited about it now - but we've all seen me do this before.  I guess we'll see what next month brings! 

1 comment:

  1. Awesome start to the month-I know you'll still be going strong at the end as well Rebecca!
