Monday, April 1, 2013

Monthly Weigh In

April 1st. April fools day. Another month - gone. I am sure you are DYING to know how I measured up (insert eye roll here - as I am back to believing I am the ONLY person that reads this). But - this is MY journey, and I have come another month, and actually made some progress. Granted, it's not as much as I would have liked, but progress nonetheless. Moment of truth... Here we go...  In one month, I lost 5.2 pounds, while gaining 6 pounds of Lean Body Mass, and losing 11.2 pounds of Fat Body Mass.  I lost a total of 12 inches off of my body.  I also came under 220 pounds, which is a nice milestone I am pretty proud of.  I've noticed that my clothes fit a bit more losely than before, but I havn't lost a pants size yet. You can see my individual measurements below.    If I said I wasn't disappointed, I'd be lying.  I wish that I had made more progress - that the number on the scale was lower, that the reflection in the mirror has changed, that I had lost a pants size or SOME tangible proof that I am making progress.  I just don't see it.   I am focusing on what's below.  Those numbers don't lie.  I am getting there, slowly but surely.  The scale did drop.  The inches have fallen off - which means all those milestones I mentioned in the above paragraph are on their way.  If it hasn't happened yet, it has to be coming soon - as long as I don't give up.  Right?   
March First Today!!!!   Results
Weight 224.8 219.6 -5.2
Neck  15 14.5
Chest 43.5 44 +0.5
Waist 38 35.5 -2.5
Abdomen (belly button) 41.75 39.5 -2.25
Hips 49 47 -2
Right Thigh 25 23 -2
Left Thigh 25 23 -2
Right Calf  16.75 16.25 -0.5
Left Calf 16.75 16.25 -0.5
Right Arm 12 12
Left Arm 12 11.75 -0.25
Wrist 6 6
Forearm 9.5 9
Body Fat % 44.5 40.5 -4.0
Lean Body Mass 124.8 130.8 +6
Fat Body Mass 100.00 88.80 -11.20

1 comment:

  1. Hey! You're not the only person that reads it *hugs* Just remember how far you have come-maybe not where you want to be BUT it's further than if you had given up on the days you thought about throwing in the towel. During a 30 day span, you realized something HUGE-you can make working out something FUN that you enjoy, not doing what someone else thinks will work. The numbers will get to the place you want them to be, I can see the changes even if you can't yet
