Monday, April 1, 2013

April Goals

First things first.  I took "progress" pictures last night.  There is no visual progress to report.  I can't tell the difference at ALL - so those hideous albino whale pictures are going to be stashed away for now. 

I think we all know now that C25K is done.  I have officially quit.  I like the program, I like the intervals, I like running, but I did not handle the pressure I felt to complete it.  Maybe once I get into a healthy weight range, I'll give it another go - but for now, C25K and I are parting ways. 

So what to do now?  Well, I have commited to a month long challenge - well, two actually.  One that targets your lower body by doing squats, burpbees and wall sits, and another that targets your core using sit-ups, push-ups and planks.  Each of these challenges is a progressive workout with ONE off day per week - Sunday.  I want to start walking on my lunch a few days a week, and promise to get in a cardio workout 3x per week.  And I'm allowed to do whatever cardio I want - whether it be one of 50 machines at the gym, one of 10 dvd's at home, or running in my neighborhood.  3x a week.

I am hoping that by continuing to watch what I eat, getting back to some cardio, and incorporating some body weight training (which is actually my main focus here...), that come May 1st, I will have progress pictures that I am proud to post. 

First workout is tonight!  10 squats, 30 seconds of burpees, 15 seconds of wall sits, 10 sit-ups, 5 push-ups, and a15 second plank.  I know, I know, It seems pretty light - but remember - this is a progressive workout.  I add more each day, and by April 30th, I'll be doing 100 squats, 2 minutes of burpees, 2 minutes of wall sits, 80 sit-ups, 35 push-ups, and a 2 minute plank.  Doesn't seem so light anymore, does it? 

Here's the breakdown - because there is NO stopping me this time.  I have 228 days until my honeymoon, 151 days until my wedding, 93 days until the 4th of July (bachelorette party month), 57 days until Memorial day, and 30 days until this challenge is over. 

Let the games begin. 

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