Thursday, September 6, 2012


Yesterday was a confusing day for me.

I was disappointed with the results I got from weighing in/measuring. And it wasn't that it wasn't enough of a loss. It was the fact that I gained BF%, and lost lean body mass. Which is what started my crusade to find out what I had been doing wrong. If you read my post yesterday, then you already know I figured it out. When I got home last night, I read Matt my blog posting from yesterday. He asked why I was so disappointed. He couldn't understand, because he was focused on the progress I have made, not the one, minor, not even a whole percent increase, that I was obsessing over. And he was right.

As many of you know, I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE me some Pintrest. On my FatGirl board, I have a quote that says "The number one reason that people quit is because they look at how far they have to go, not how far they've come." This is soooo true. Yesterday, I was SOOO focused on the one thing that brought me down, instead of focusing on the amazing numbers I have achieved.

Today, I am celebrating just how far I have come. So, here are the stats again, along with a progress pic. GO ME!!!

So far on my journey, I have lost 68 pounds.

Since I actually started keeping track (of more than just the scale), I have lost 15.4 pounds of PURE FAT. I have gained 17.5 pounds of PURE MUSCLE. I have lost 31 inches off my body. I have lost 4 pants sizes, and gone from a 2X sized shirt, to a L.
I have not taken a single diet pill, or miracle drink, or gone on a fad diet. I have counted every calorie, and worked my ass off.

And these are the results... :)

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