Tuesday, September 4, 2012

August NSV!!! (Non-Scale Victory)

The official August miles count is in.

I must say, at first, I didn't believe the website. I had checked in periodically, uploading my pedometer, or my runs, or walks. I knew I was getting close.  On the morning of the 31st, the website said I was at 49.93 miles.  I was so excited, that I announced it all to MFP, FB, and anyone else who would listen.

When I logged in this morning, I had some ridiculous number over 80!  There is no way I did 30 miles in a DAY.  Come the fuck on.  After I really - really looked at it, I noticed they were giving me double credit for my walks and runs. For example, on the 30th, I walked/ran 10,973 steps. That is equivilent to 4.46 miles. In addition to that, they gave me credit for a 2.96 mile walk that I uploaded using my iPhone and the HumanaFit app. While Humana gives me credit for that twice (a pedometer upload of at least 10k steps, and a tracked exercise on a smartphone), for what I am doing, the true number would be the 4.46, not 7.42.

I had to do the math several times, but after 47 tries, I finally figured it out. And then I double checked my math another 19 times to get the "official" count. August equals = 67.01 Miles!!! I am in SHOCK!!! 67 MILES?!?! Talk about a change! Just for reference, in July, I only logged 27.27 for the ENTIRE MONTH. That's a 40 mile difference in just one month! I am VERY, VERY proud of myself! =D

Now, for September, I am getting ready to try to implement a few more changes. I am going to try to start getting up and running in the morning, and then just doing my weights in the evening. I want to try to get in 10,000 steps every day. I rested on Sunday and Monday, so I have a goal of 280,000 steps this month. And, since I hit 67 miles in August, I am reaching for 70 in September.

Pretty Freakin' stoked right now.

There is one other thing I want to mention.  Someone asked me why I sometimes keep my goals to myself.  They asked if the "challenge was enough" for me. 

I don't do it because the challenge is enough for me. I mean, it is - but that's not the reason. I do it because I am afraid of failure. If I set some crazy goal, like getting 70 miles in for September, and I tell everyone... what if I fail? I feel like I am disappointing everyone, and everyone will know that I failed, once again. BUT, if I keep it to myself, and I DO FAIL, then I am the only one who knows I failed. I'm my own worst critic anyway. I would rather fail in private, and celebrate in public.

I don't know. I'm just still insecure with myself. I obviously still have a lot of internal healing to work on, along with becoming a healthier individual on the outside.  But this is a process, and a journey.  I continue to grow and learn - every day.  See!  Look up above where I announced my goals for the month!  That was something I DIDN'T do last month!  I am learning that what works for others, does not always work for me.  I am an individual, and always will be.  I am just striving to be a healthier individual - both inside and out. 

<3 - The Fat Girl

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